20Y Auction Sees Lackluster Demand Despite 6th Consecutive Stop Through

In a day when the markets have tried to make sense of today's near record downward revision to payrolls, moments ago the US sold $16BN in 20Y paper, and despite the prevailing confusion (does the dire BLS data confirm a 50bps rate cut, or do we stick with 25bps), there were plenty of buyers, even if the auction metrics were not remarkable by any stretch.

The auction, which passed without a hitch, sold at a high yield of 4.16%, which was 30bps below last month's 4.466%, and the lowest yield since last July; it also stopped through the When Issued 4.161 by the smallest possible margin: 0.1bps, and follows last month's identical 0.1bp stop through. In fact, this was the 6th consecutive stopping through auction in a row, and 9th of the past 12.

20y auction sees lackluster demand despite 6th consecutive stop through

The bid to cover was less impressive, dropping to 2.54 from last month's 2.68 and below the six-auction average of 2.65.

The internals were also subpar, with Indirects awarded just 71.0%, the lowest since May and far below both last month's 77.2% and the recent average of 72.2%. And with Directs taking 19.3%, the most since February, Dealers were left holding 9.7%, the most since May.

20y auction sees lackluster demand despite 6th consecutive stop through

In short, a closer look at the auction metric revealed a rather disappointing auction, the tiny stop through notwithstanding. Still, it was good enough and yields remained near session lows, just above 3.78% after the auction prices.

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge August 21st 2024