Banks Demands For Fed's Emergency Funds Remains Near Record Highs As Retail Money-Market Fund Inflows Continue

After an unusual outflow last week, US money market funds saw a $6.3BN inflow this week, back up close to record highs...

banks demands for feds emergency funds remains near record highs as retail money market fund inflows continue

Source: Bloomberg

Once again, retail funds saw inflows (no outflows since April) of $7.8BN while institutional funds declined $1.5BN...

banks demands for feds emergency funds remains near record highs as retail money market fund inflows continue

Source: Bloomberg

That is the second week of institutional outflows as retail inflows send total retail funds to a new record high...

banks demands for feds emergency funds remains near record highs as retail money market fund inflows continue

Source: Bloomberg

And the gap between money fund assets and bank deposits continue to grow...

banks demands for feds emergency funds remains near record highs as retail money market fund inflows continue

Source: Bloomberg

After last week's huge drop, The Fed's balance sheet continued its shrinkage (down $22BN to its smallest since June 2021)...

banks demands for feds emergency funds remains near record highs as retail money market fund inflows continue

Source: Bloomberg

With regard to the QT program, The Fed continues to sell securities, down 17.3BN last week to its smallest since June 2021...

banks demands for feds emergency funds remains near record highs as retail money market fund inflows continue

Source: Bloomberg

Usage of The Fed's emergency funding facility for banks remains at record highs around $108BN (+$116MN last week)...

banks demands for feds emergency funds remains near record highs as retail money market fund inflows continue

Source: Bloomberg

The detailed breakdown is as follows:"

  • Fed QT: $2.5BN drop in TSY securities; $15BN drop in MBS

  • Discount Window: up $100MM to $3.2BN

  • BTFP up $116MM to $107.7BN

  • Other credit Extensions (FDIC Loans) down $3.1BN to $81.9BN

banks demands for feds emergency funds remains near record highs as retail money market fund inflows continue

The spread between US equity market cap and bank reserves at The Fed is starting to converge...

banks demands for feds emergency funds remains near record highs as retail money market fund inflows continue

Source: Bloomberg

And finally, as we like to remind readers, there's an $108BN hole in my bucket... and bank stocks are starting to catch on to the reality that in 6 months, they'll have to fill it...

banks demands for feds emergency funds remains near record highs as retail money market fund inflows continue

Source: Bloomberg

...or The Fed will simply keep the "emergency" facility open ad infinitum under pressure from the administration during an election year.

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge September 28th 2023