Banks' Usage Of Fed's Emergency Funds Jumps To New Record High, Money-Market Inflows Soar

Money-market funds saw inflows for the 7th week of the last 8 with a $42BN jump (the most in 2 months) to a new record high of $5.625TN...

banks usage of feds emergency funds jumps to new record high money market inflows soar

Source: Bloomberg

The inflow was dominated by a $24BN increase in Institutional fund assets while Retail also saw a sizable $17.7BN increase...

banks usage of feds emergency funds jumps to new record high money market inflows soar

Source: Bloomberg

And the divergence between money-market fund assets and bank deposits continues to grow...

banks usage of feds emergency funds jumps to new record high money market inflows soar

Source: Bloomberg

And while we actually saw huge deposit outflows (on a non-seasonally-adjusted basis) - despite The Fed's seasonally-adjusted deposits increase - The Fed balance sheet shrank by another $20BN last week to its smallest since June 2021...

banks usage of feds emergency funds jumps to new record high money market inflows soar

Source: Bloomberg

The Fed's QT program continues apace with$18.4BN sold last week to its smallest since June 2021...

banks usage of feds emergency funds jumps to new record high money market inflows soar

Source: Bloomberg

Usage of The Fed's emergency bank funding facility jumped by $328 Million last week to a new high of $108BN...

banks usage of feds emergency funds jumps to new record high money market inflows soar

Source: Bloomberg

Fed BS weekly change:

  • Fed balance sheet QT (Notes and bonds decline): $4.255 trillion, down $18,2BN

  • Discount Window $2.1BN, down $800M from $.29BN

  • BTFP new record $107.9BN, up $400MM

  • Other Credit Extensions (FDIC Loans): $133.8BN, down $0.6BN from $134.4BN

banks usage of feds emergency funds jumps to new record high money market inflows soar

Finally, US equity markets and bank reserves at The Fed have converged a little recently, but the gap remains wide (thanks to the plunge in reverse repo balances)...

banks usage of feds emergency funds jumps to new record high money market inflows soar

Source: Bloomberg

Tick, tock, banks!

banks usage of feds emergency funds jumps to new record high money market inflows soar

Source: Bloomberg

You have six months to figure out how to clean up the $108 Billion hole in your balance sheet that you're currently paying The Fed's exorbitant rates to fill.

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge September 7th 2023