Banks' Usage Of The Fed's Emergency Facility Hits New Record High As Money-Market Fund Inflows Resume

After last week's brief (and small) dip, US money-market funds saw inflows once again last week, adding $14.4BN to reach a new record high of $5.5TN...

banks usage of the feds emergency facility hits new record high as money market fund inflows resume

Source: Bloomberg

Retail funds saw inflows for the 19th straight month (+3.5BN) and Institutional funds returned to inflows (+10.9BN) after a $10.1BN outflow last week...

banks usage of the feds emergency facility hits new record high as money market fund inflows resume

Source: Bloomberg

Although bank deposits did see significant outflows last week, the decoupling between money-market fund inflows and bank deposits continues...

banks usage of the feds emergency facility hits new record high as money market fund inflows resume

Source: Bloomberg

The Fed's balance sheet shrank by $17.75BN last week to its lowest sicne July 2021...

banks usage of the feds emergency facility hits new record high as money market fund inflows resume

Source: Bloomberg

The Fed's QT continues with $13.9BN of securities sold last week to its lowest level since June 2021...

banks usage of the feds emergency facility hits new record high as money market fund inflows resume

Source: Bloomberg

Usage of The Fed's emergency funding facility for banks reached a new record high of $108BN (up $144MN last week)...

banks usage of the feds emergency facility hits new record high as money market fund inflows resume

Source: Bloomberg

Breaking down the details of the H/4/1...

  • MBS down $24BN as a result of QT

  • Discount window usage up $700MM to $2.9BN

  • BTFP up $150MM to $107.5BN, new record high

  • Other credit extensions (FDIC loans) down $2.8BN to $134.4BN

banks usage of the feds emergency facility hits new record high as money market fund inflows resume

Finally, while US equity markets were lower in August, they remain notably divergent from their historical relationship with bank reserves at The Fed...

banks usage of the feds emergency facility hits new record high as money market fund inflows resume

Source: Bloomberg

We leave you with one thought - in 6 months and counting, America's 'smaller' banks will need to find that $100-billion plus from somewhere as that is when the BTFP bailout program ends (theoretically). Will regional bank balance sheets be stabilized by then? They better hope for a serious recession to smash yields back down (and TSY prices up).

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge August 31st 2023