Boeing, Boeing, Gone: US Factory Orders Plunge Most Since COVID Lockdowns In January

US factory orders crashed  3.6% MoM in January, notably worse than the 2.9% MoM decline expected and worse still that December's 0.2% MoM rise was revised to a 0.3% decline. This didappointment pulled orders down 2.0% YoY - the worst annual decline since Sept 2020...

boeing boeing gone us factory orders plunge most since covid lockdowns in january

Source: Bloomberg

And on a core (ex-transports) basis, orders also disappointed, down 0.8% MoM (vs -0.1% MoM exp), dragging the core orders down 1.6% YoY...

boeing boeing gone us factory orders plunge most since covid lockdowns in january

Source: Bloomberg

January saw the biggest plunge in non-defense aircraft & parts (Boeing) since April 2019 (but we're building lots of boats)...

boeing boeing gone us factory orders plunge most since covid lockdowns in january

Source: Bloomberg

Interestingly January also saw a surge in metalworking machinery manufacturing while ferrous metal foundries orders crashed...

boeing boeing gone us factory orders plunge most since covid lockdowns in january

Source: Bloomberg

But we can thank the good old Military Industrial Complex for orders not being more of a shitshow as Defense spending jumped 24% MoM...

boeing boeing gone us factory orders plunge most since covid lockdowns in january

Source: Bloomberg

Finally, it's that same old issue again... downward revisions!! In the last 21 months, US factory orders have been downwardly revised 16 times...

boeing boeing gone us factory orders plunge most since covid lockdowns in january

Source: Bloomberg

Bidenomics - make it up as you go along - continues.

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge March 5th 2024