Empire Fed Manufacturing Survey Suffers Biggest 2-Month Collapse (Ex-COVID) In History

Well, no one saw that coming...

The New York Fed's Empire State Manufacturing Survey for January crashed from -14.5 to -43.7 - the worst print in the survey's history outside of the COVID lockdowns...

empire fed manufacturing survey suffers biggest 2 month collapse ex covid in history

Source: Bloomberg

The -43.7 print was a stunning 10 standard deviations below expectations of a bounce to -5.0...

empire fed manufacturing survey suffers biggest 2 month collapse ex covid in history

Source: Bloomberg

Under the hood, it was a bloodbath. New orders slumped more than 38 points to minus 49.4, the weakest since April 2020, while shipments dropped by the most since August. Worse still, the index of prices paid for materials increased to a three-month high.

empire fed manufacturing survey suffers biggest 2 month collapse ex covid in history

But hope remains high as the six-month outlook for overall activity improved to a three-month high, suggesting manufacturing will stabilize at a weak level. The measure of the outlook for capital expenditures increased to the highest since April 2023, suggesting a pickup in investment.

However, the spread between current reality and a hopeful future is at near record highs (record Ex-COVID-lockdowns)...

empire fed manufacturing survey suffers biggest 2 month collapse ex covid in history

"Bidenomics" for the win...

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge January 16th 2024