Fed Balance Sheet Plunges By Most In Over 3 Years As Retail Money-Market Inflows Continue

Money market funds was outflows of over $7BN last week - the biggest weekly outflow since July - inching the total assets back from record highs...

fed balance sheet plunges by most in over 3 years as retail money market inflows continue

Source: Bloomberg

The net outflow was driven by institutional funds losing over $14.3BN (while retail funds saw $7.3BN inflows - the 22nd straight week of retail money market fund inflows)...

fed balance sheet plunges by most in over 3 years as retail money market inflows continue

Source: Bloomberg

Is the decoupling between bank deposits and money-market funds beginning to converge?

fed balance sheet plunges by most in over 3 years as retail money market inflows continue

Source: Bloomberg

The Fed's balance sheet plunged by almost $75BN last week - its biggest weekly drop since July 2020

fed balance sheet plunges by most in over 3 years as retail money market inflows continue

Source: Bloomberg

With regard to The Fed's QT program, it sold down $26BN in securities last week

fed balance sheet plunges by most in over 3 years as retail money market inflows continue

Source: Bloomberg

Banks' usage of The Fed's emergency funding facility remains around $108BN (a modest decline on $394mm last week)...

fed balance sheet plunges by most in over 3 years as retail money market inflows continue

Source: Bloomberg

The full breakdown shows a big slidew in 'other credit extensions'

  • QT - notes and bonds - declined by $17BN to $4.238TN

  • MBS declined by $4BN to $2.499TN

  • Discount Windows increased by $0.4BN to $3.1BN

  • BTFP dropped by $0.4BN to $107.6BN

  • Other credit extensions dropped by $48BN to $85BN

fed balance sheet plunges by most in over 3 years as retail money market inflows continue

The gap between bank reserves at The Fed and the US equity market cap diverged again...

fed balance sheet plunges by most in over 3 years as retail money market inflows continue

Source: Bloomberg

Finally, we leave you with one thought - in 6 months and counting, America's 'smaller' banks will need to find that $100-billion plus from somewhere as that is when the BTFP bailout program ends (theoretically). Will regional bank balance sheets be stabilized by then?

fed balance sheet plunges by most in over 3 years as retail money market inflows continue

Source: Bloomberg

Given the current bloodbathery in bond-land, we suspect we will know sooner rather than later.

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge September 21st 2023