Gold Soars To Record High, Dollar Dumps As Kamala Unveils 'Populist' Economic Plan

We are sure it's just a coincidence...

...but on the day that Kamala Harris unveils her price-fixing, vote-buying agenda for economic growth...

gold soars to record high dollar dumps as kamala unveils populist economic plan

...the dollar plunged to 5-month lows...

gold soars to record high dollar dumps as kamala unveils populist economic plan

Source: Bloomberg

... and gold soared to a record high, topping $2500 for the first time...

gold soars to record high dollar dumps as kamala unveils populist economic plan

Source: Bloomberg

US equities also soared this week to their best week since 2023, led by a a 5%-plus surge in the Nasdaq (up 12% from last Monday's lows)...

gold soars to record high dollar dumps as kamala unveils populist economic plan

Nasdaq rallied up to a key technical resistance level - at its 50DMA and the last July high...

gold soars to record high dollar dumps as kamala unveils populist economic plan

Which mirrors the rebound in Mag7 stocks (as they rallied up to the late-July highs, but couldn't break it)...

gold soars to record high dollar dumps as kamala unveils populist economic plan

Source: Bloomberg

Small Caps were lifted by an ongoing short-squeeze...

gold soars to record high dollar dumps as kamala unveils populist economic plan

Source: Bloomberg

VIX was clubbed like a baby seal on the week, extending its largest/fastest retracement ever...

gold soars to record high dollar dumps as kamala unveils populist economic plan

The collapse of implied vol this week leaves a massive discount to the realized vol of the last month...

gold soars to record high dollar dumps as kamala unveils populist economic plan

Source: Bloomberg

Credit markets rallied hard this week, adjust back from "hard landing" to "soft landing" scenarios...

gold soars to record high dollar dumps as kamala unveils populist economic plan

Source: Bloomberg

Despite all the focus on jobless claims, CPI, and retail sales, this week was actually a 'weak' one for US macro surprises...

gold soars to record high dollar dumps as kamala unveils populist economic plan

Source: Bloomberg

...and that sparked a hawkish drop in rate-cut expectations - back to pre-payrolls levels (less than 200bps of cuts to end-2025)...

gold soars to record high dollar dumps as kamala unveils populist economic plan

Source: Bloomberg

That prompted weakness at the short-end (+1bps) of the Treasury curve on the week (but the long-end ended 7bps lower on the week). The obvious shift was the bearish rise in yields after CPI...

gold soars to record high dollar dumps as kamala unveils populist economic plan

Source: Bloomberg

The yield curve flattened significantly on the week, with 2s10s re-inverting...

gold soars to record high dollar dumps as kamala unveils populist economic plan

Source: Bloomberg

Another choppy week for crypto but today saw Bitcoin surge back up to $60,000 as Kamala spoke. to end the week unchanged...

gold soars to record high dollar dumps as kamala unveils populist economic plan

Source: Bloomberg

Oil prices were flat on the week after some volatile days...

gold soars to record high dollar dumps as kamala unveils populist economic plan

Source: Bloomberg

The other side of the AI-trade - copper - is not buying the euphoria in AI stocks...

gold soars to record high dollar dumps as kamala unveils populist economic plan

Source: Bloomberg

Also worth noting is that the yen carry trade was not fully embraced to lift stocks...

gold soars to record high dollar dumps as kamala unveils populist economic plan

Source: Bloomberg

Finally, the plunge in the dollar and surge in stocks and gold all took place since Kamala overtook Trump in the prediction markets...

gold soars to record high dollar dumps as kamala unveils populist economic plan

Source: Bloomberg


Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge August 16th 2024