Goldman Stunned By Relentless Hedge Fund Shorting: "Longest Streak On Record"

One month ago, Goldman's Prime Brokerage, arguably the bank's most actionable client-facing division which keeps daily tabs on all the latest hedge fund activity, introduced the inaugural edition of the US Equities Weekly Rundown: a weekly must-read compilation that aims to consolidate the latest positioning and flows intelligence, market themes, and actionable ideas from thought leaders and risk takers across the GS franchise. It is an indispensable piece for every serious trader, and below we excerpt from the latest full report for the benefit of our premium and professional readers (the full note is available to pro subscribers).

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The S&P 500 fell -2.4% on the week and closed below its 200-day moving average, as bond yields touched fresh highs and investors had to contend with rising geopolitical tensions and digest ongoing Q3 EPS. Commodity Sensitive, Defensives, and Bond Proxies outperformed on the week, while Renewables, China ADRs, and Obesity Drugs stocks were under pressure.

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge October 21st 2023