Large US Bank Deposits Plunge, MM Fund Assets Hit New Record Amid Equity Chaos

For the fourth week in a row, money market funds saw inflows (+$21BN) which lifted the total AUM to a new record high of $6.26TN...

large us bank deposits plunge mm fund assets hit new record amid equity chaos

Source: Bloomberg

All of which took place as stocks puked hard and recovered.

Bank deposits, on the other hand, were flat the week-ending 8/21 (+$0.9BN on a seasonally-adjusted basis)...

large us bank deposits plunge mm fund assets hit new record amid equity chaos

Source: Bloomberg

But, on a non-seasonally-adjusted basis, US banks saw a large $85BN deposit drawdown... the biggest weekly decline since May...

large us bank deposits plunge mm fund assets hit new record amid equity chaos

Source: Bloomberg

WTF is a 'seasonally-adjusted deposit' anyway?

Excluding foreign deposit flows, this meant US domestic deposits tumbled $94BN last week (NSA)... or - after Fed fuckery - just $11BN (SA)...

large us bank deposits plunge mm fund assets hit new record amid equity chaos

Source: Bloomberg

The seasonally-adjusted flows saw small banks add $9BN in deposits while large banks saw $20BN in deposit outflows (as everyone and their pet rabbit piled back into NVDA?) On the other hand, non-seasonally-adjusted, large and small banks saw major deposits runs (-$86BN and -$8BN respectively).

Interestingly, on the other side of the ledger, small bank loan volume shrank (admittedly by just $372MN) as large bank loan volume surged (+$13.5BN) in the week-ending 8/21...

large us bank deposits plunge mm fund assets hit new record amid equity chaos

Source: Bloomberg

Finally, as stocks market caps soared back towards record highs this week, bank reserves at The Fed dipped once again...

large us bank deposits plunge mm fund assets hit new record amid equity chaos

Source: Bloomberg

That's quite a divergence!!

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge August 30th 2024