Money-Market Fund Assets Hit Another New Record High as Domestic Bank Depos Surge To Pre-SVB Levels

Amid all the volatility of the last few weeks in stocks, money markets have seen a constant inflow of funds (six straight weeks) with the last week adding $23.4BN to total MM fund AUM to a new record high of $6.324TN...

money market fund assets hit another new record high as domestic bank depos surge to pre svb levels

Source: Bloomberg

That is $188BN of inflow in six weeks - the biggest since the turn of the year seasonal flows.

At the same time, US banks saw almost $53BN of deposit inflows in the week-ending 09/04, pushing total (seasonally-adjusted) deposits to their highest since before the SVB collapse...

money market fund assets hit another new record high as domestic bank depos surge to pre svb levels

Source: Bloomberg

On a non-seasonally-adjusted basis, US bank deposits soared $118BN last week - also back to its highest sine SVB...

money market fund assets hit another new record high as domestic bank depos surge to pre svb levels

Source: Bloomberg

Excluding foreign deposits, domestic bank deposits soared on both an SA (+$60BN) and NSA (+$137BN) basis...

money market fund assets hit another new record high as domestic bank depos surge to pre svb levels

Source: Bloomberg

...back above pre-SVB crisis levels...

money market fund assets hit another new record high as domestic bank depos surge to pre svb levels

Source: Bloomberg

After last week's crash, domestic bank loan volumes rebounded modestly....

money market fund assets hit another new record high as domestic bank depos surge to pre svb levels

Source: Bloomberg

Finally, while US bank reserves at The fed have been trending lower, US equity market cap has stalled (at record highs)...

money market fund assets hit another new record high as domestic bank depos surge to pre svb levels

Source: Bloomberg

Which is more likely? A collapse back to reality for stocks (hard landing) or a huge sudden surge in reserves at The Fed?

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge September 13th 2024