Money-Market Fund Inflows Resume As Bank Bailout Fund Hits New Record High

After last week's massive (biggest since Lehman) outflows, Money Market funds saw a return to inflows last week (+24.9BN)...

money market fund inflows resume as bank bailout fund hits new record high

Source: Bloomberg

Both Retail and Institutional funds saw inflows (+8.6BN and +$16.3BN respectively)...

money market fund inflows resume as bank bailout fund hits new record high

Source: Bloomberg

But bank deposits remain completely decoupled from money market fund assets still...

money market fund inflows resume as bank bailout fund hits new record high

Source: Bloomberg

The Fed's balance sheet continued to contract, down $25BN last week to its lowest since May 2021...

money market fund inflows resume as bank bailout fund hits new record high

Source: Bloomberg

QT continues with $18BN in securities sales last week, down to its lowest level since June 2021...

money market fund inflows resume as bank bailout fund hits new record high

Source: Bloomberg

Usage of The Fed's emergency bank funding facility rose $250MM lasty week to a new record high over $109BN...

money market fund inflows resume as bank bailout fund hits new record high

Source: Bloomberg

Banks reserves at The Fed and US Equity Market Cap have recoupled from the AI Boom decoupling...

money market fund inflows resume as bank bailout fund hits new record high

Source: Bloomberg

And the regional banks are also continuing to catch down to the reality of the $109BN hole in their balance sheets...

money market fund inflows resume as bank bailout fund hits new record high

Source: Bloomberg

And they only have until March to fill it...

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge October 26th 2023