One Bank Calls Out Biden's BS: Finds BLS Has "Greatly Exaggerated" July Jobs, Real Print Is Negative 30,000

Last Friday, in our post-mortem to what the MSM dubbed a "Goldilocks" jobs report, we explained to our readers just how disastrous the report was if only looked below the surface by focusing on four key things: i) the 1 million surge in part-time jobs, ii) the 585,000 plunge in full time jobs, iii) the 118,000 increase in multiple jobholders...

one bank calls out bidens bs finds bls has greatly exaggerated july jobs real print is negative 30000

... and iv) the 280K addition coming from the BLS' infamous Birth-Death model (as a reminder, the actual payroll number was just 187K).

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge August 10th 2023