Small US Banks Suffer Biggest Deposit Outflows Since SVB Crisis, Money-Market Inflows Soar

Last week saw the magic of The Fed's "seasonal adjustments" turn a $66BN outflow into a $41BN deposit inflow for domestic banks. With money market fund inflows accelerating and usage of The Fed's emergency funding facility at a new record high, who knows what imaginative gifts the clever people at The Eccles Building will drop on us today.

Total bank deposits (on a seasonally-adjusted basis) plunged by $70BN last week to its lowest since May...

small us banks suffer biggest deposit outflows since svb crisis money market inflows soar

Source: Bloomberg

But, of course, non-seasonally-adjusted deposits saw inflows of $38BN...

small us banks suffer biggest deposit outflows since svb crisis money market inflows soar

Source: Bloomberg

Are bank deposits about to catch-down to their money-market-fund implied levels?

small us banks suffer biggest deposit outflows since svb crisis money market inflows soar

Source: Bloomberg

Large banks saw over $50BN deposits outflows (SA) (biggest since July) and Small Banks $15BN outflows (biggest since March)...

small us banks suffer biggest deposit outflows since svb crisis money market inflows soar

Source: Bloomberg

Large Bank deposits(SA) are at their lowest since April 2021 (and Small Bank deposits (SA) are at their lowest since July)...

small us banks suffer biggest deposit outflows since svb crisis money market inflows soar

Source: Bloomberg

The flip-flopping from last week's SA vs NSA flows to this week's SA vs NSA flows is risible..

small us banks suffer biggest deposit outflows since svb crisis money market inflows soar

Source: Bloomberg

On the other side of the ledger, loan volumes shrank for Small Banks (by $3BN) while Large Banks saw loan volumes increase by $2.5BN for basically no loan change on the week in the aggregate...

small us banks suffer biggest deposit outflows since svb crisis money market inflows soar

Source: Bloomberg

Finally, we note that Small Banks are leaking (accelerating) back down towards their 'reserve constraint'...

small us banks suffer biggest deposit outflows since svb crisis money market inflows soar

Source: Bloomberg

We leave you with one thought - in 6 months and counting, America's 'smaller' banks will need to find that $108-billion plus from somewhere as that is when the BTFP bailout program ends (theoretically).

small us banks suffer biggest deposit outflows since svb crisis money market inflows soar

Will regional bank balance sheets be stabilized by then? They better hope for a serious recession to smash yields back down (and TSY prices up).

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge September 8th 2023