"The Bulls**t Revolution": What If ChatGPT Is An Epic Dud

It has become apocryphal to even suggest that the biggest driving force behind stocks in 2023 (besides Powell's 11th hour capitulatory pivot of course), namely the mania behind AI/ChatGPT, which propelled the Magnificent 7 stocks by more than 100% in 2023...

the bullst revolution what if chatgpt is an epic dud

... is nothing more than the latest chatbot mania, no different at the end of the day than the doomed metaverse infatuation of 2020/2021 (which was nothing more novel than Second Life from two decades earlier) which prompted even the "geniuses" behind Facebook to switch their name to what has literally become a capex sucking joke.

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge December 28th 2023