
"To Chase Or Not To Chase?" - Goldman's Top Trader On Central Bank Cannons, Elections, & Earnings

Following "another high velocity week" Goldman Sachs head of hedge fund coverage, Tony Pasquariello, notes that a few themes stuck out:

i. the world’s largest central banks are suddenly going farther than the markets expected, as the PBOC followed in the Fed’s wake with a liquidity barrage of their own.

ii. in turn, last week saw very serious technical demand for US equities -- while this week brought a clamor for right tail protection on China and EM -- with elements of animal spirits in both markets.

iii. amidst all of this, risky assets had enjoyed two tailwinds of late: US front end rates melted lower and the JPY was notably well behaved; I now wonder if the former is running low on gas, while the latter has reversed overnight following the LDP election.

to chase or not to chase goldmans top trader on central bank cannons elections earnings

iv. within the US equity market: S&P took out the highs yesterday -- as a nascent rotation back into tech stocks continued -- yet small cap has noticeably underperformed following the Fed cut (fine). 

to chase or not to chase goldmans top trader on central bank cannons elections earnings

Looking forward, Pasquariello frames the current investor debate in very simple terms: to chase or not to chase? 

via September 27th 2024