UMich Inflation Expectations Fell In August; Democrats' Confidence Drops

The once-must-watch inflation expectations signal from UMich's sentiment survey was expected to continue July' rise in preliminary August data, but instead both short- and medium-term expectations declined. At 3.3%, the next 12 months expectations is the lowest since March 2021...

umich inflation expectations fell in august democrats confidence drops

Source: Bloomberg

The headline sentiment print declined on the month from 71.6 to 71.2...

umich inflation expectations fell in august democrats confidence drops

...with current conditions rising modestly but future expectations declining...

umich inflation expectations fell in august democrats confidence drops

Source: Bloomberg

Democrats' confidence decline in the flash August data but Independents rose...

umich inflation expectations fell in august democrats confidence drops

Source: Bloomberg

Buying conditions declined for Houses but soared for large household durables...

umich inflation expectations fell in august democrats confidence drops

Source: Bloomberg

Finally, we note that breakevens remain notably more muted about inflation expectations than the average American surveyed by UMich...

umich inflation expectations fell in august democrats confidence drops

Source: Bloomberg

We’ll only know which one was more right ex post, but breakevens have an empirically poor record of forecasting inflation, especially at turning points.

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge August 11th 2023