US Bank Deposits Plunged Last Week As Fed Rescue Funding Usage Hits New Record High

For the first time in 6 weeks, US money market funds saw outflows (admittedly a tiny $1BN)...

us bank deposits plunged last week as fed rescue funding usage hits new record high

Source: Bloomberg

The outflows were driven by institutional funds - the first in 6 weeks. Retail funds saw inflows for the 18th straight week..

us bank deposits plunged last week as fed rescue funding usage hits new record high

Source: Bloomberg

Also of note is that usage of The Fed's emergency funds rose yet again (admittedly only $144MN) to a new record high...

us bank deposits plunged last week as fed rescue funding usage hits new record high


Source: Bloomberg

Meanwhile, total bank deposits (on a seasonally-adjusted basis) fell for the second week in a row, plunging last week by $49BN...

us bank deposits plunged last week as fed rescue funding usage hits new record high

Source: Bloomberg

Which leaves the divergence between bank deposits and money market funds wide but perhaps starting to narrow...

us bank deposits plunged last week as fed rescue funding usage hits new record high

Source: Bloomberg

The big drop in deposits was driven by foreign bank outflows (-$31BN) but Large ($13BN) and Small banks ($4.6BN) also saw notable outflows on a SA basis. However, on a non-seasonally-adjusted basis Large (+$14BN) and Small banks (+$1.4BN) saw  deposit inflows.

us bank deposits plunged last week as fed rescue funding usage hits new record high

Source: Bloomberg

So, we have the now ubiquitous 'baffle em with bullshit' measures showing domestic US banks had $15BN of inflows (NSA) but $18BN of outflows (SA)...

us bank deposits plunged last week as fed rescue funding usage hits new record high

Source: Bloomberg

Despite the outflows, Large ($13.7BN) and Small ($6.3BN) banks saw loan volumes increase last week...

us bank deposits plunged last week as fed rescue funding usage hits new record high

Source: Bloomberg

Finally, US equity market cap remains divergent from bank reserves at The Fed...

us bank deposits plunged last week as fed rescue funding usage hits new record high

Source: Bloomberg

So what exactly are the banks going to do in 6 months when The Fed's BTFP funding expires? That's a $107BN balance sheet hole that will need to be fixed...

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge August 25th 2023