
US Banks See Further Deposit Outflows As Money-Market Fund Assets Hit Another New Record High

For the eighth week in the last nine, money market funds saw inflows (+$38.7BN), pushing the total AUM up to a new record high of $6.463TN...

us banks see further deposit outflows as money market fund assets hit another new record high

Source: Bloomberg

Non-seasonally-adjusted (NSA) bank deposits saw outflows for the third week in a row (-$18BN)...

us banks see further deposit outflows as money market fund assets hit another new record high

Source: Bloomberg

But, as we have become accustomed to, total seasonally-adjusted (SA) deposits rose by $18BN (the sixth weekly increase in seven weeks)...

us banks see further deposit outflows as money market fund assets hit another new record high

Source: Bloomberg

But, excluding foreign deposits, both SA and NSA domestic deposits fell in the week ending 9/25 (-$4.8BN and -$22.3BN respectively)...

us banks see further deposit outflows as money market fund assets hit another new record high

Source: Bloomberg

On an SA basis, large banks saw $3.2BN outflows and small banks $1.6BN outflows. On an NSA basis, large banks saw $20.1BN in outflows and small banks just $2.2BN outflows, and while large bank saw outflows, their loan volumes increased by $7.3BN last week, while small banks saw loan volumes shrink by 3.5BN...

us banks see further deposit outflows as money market fund assets hit another new record high

Source: Bloomberg

Finally, as US equities hit new record high market capitalization, bank reserves at The Fed lurched lower (lowest since March 2023)...

us banks see further deposit outflows as money market fund assets hit another new record high

Source: Bloomberg

That's quite a 'gap' to fill...

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge October 4th 2024