US Manufacturing Production Lower YoY For 7th Straight Month

Update (0950ET): Ok, you can't make this up but both Industrial Production and Manufacturing Output bothtumbled on a non-seasonally-adjusted basis...

Industrial Production rose 0.3% MoM (SA)... but plunged 1.7% MoM (NSA)

us manufacturing production lower yoy for 7th straight month

Manufacturing Output rose 0.35% MoM (SA)... but tumbled 0.5% MoM (NSA)

us manufacturing production lower yoy for 7th straight month

Seasonals are indeed saving Bidenomics... for now.

*  *  *

US industrial production unexpectedly jumped by 0.3% MoM in September (0.0% exp) as capacity utilization picked up modestly (from 79.5% to 79.7%). This is the 3rd straight month of increased industrial production (and IP remains marginally higher on YoY basis)...

us manufacturing production lower yoy for 7th straight month

Source: Bloomberg

Utilities slid 0.3% MoM in Sept after rising 0.7% MoM in Aug.

On the manufacturing specific sector, production rose 0.4% MoM (better than the 0.0% exp).

us manufacturing production lower yoy for 7th straight month

Manufacturing production, however, remains lower on a YoY basis for the seventh straight month.

Once again, seasonal-adjustments saved the day as Manufacturing output fell 0.5% NSA (+0.4% SA)...

us manufacturing production lower yoy for 7th straight month

Source: Bloomberg

Seasonals saved Bidenomics...

One thing of note - ahead of the UAW strikes - is that Business Light Vehicles-Autos production plunged 6.2% MoM in September (after a big jump in August)...

us manufacturing production lower yoy for 7th straight month

Presumably this will be an utter shitshow next month as the factory closures hit.

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge October 17th 2023