What Comes After A Soft Landing? More Slowing...

Since the Fed started raising interest rates, the labor market has gradually softened. 


...employment growth has slowed...

what comes after a soft landing more slowing

...job openings have been trending lower...

what comes after a soft landing more slowing

...the share of workers voluntarily quitting their jobs has been declining...

what comes after a soft landing more slowing

...wage growth for job-switchers is declining...

what comes after a soft landing more slowing

...and average weekly hours worked are softening...

what comes after a soft landing more slowing

With the Fed keeping interest rates at these high levels for another nine months, it is unlikely that the lines in these charts will suddenly start moving sideways. 

The likely scenario is that the trends in these charts continue.

what comes after a soft landing more slowing

In short, more weakness in the economic data is coming as Fed hikes bite harder and harder on consumers and firms.

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Authored by Torsten Sløk via ApolloAcademy.com September 18th 2023