5 of Trump’s Harshest Burns in Dr. Phil Interview: Adam Schiff Is a ‘Watermelon Head,’ Biden ‘Mentally Deficient’

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Former President Donald Trump let the insults fly during his recent interview with Dr. Phil, skewering his political nemeses including Adam Schiff (“watermelon head”) and Joe Biden (“very mentally deficient”).

As for the Biden administration officials who have weaponized the legal system against him, Trump called them “sick, evil people.”

Trump sat down with Dr. Phil McGraw at Mar-a-Lago this week for a wide-ranging interview that included unapologetic insults aimed at those who have sought to interfere with the upcoming election by trying to throw the former president in jail.

Trump also spoke about foreign policy and how the Biden administration has imperiled American citizens by bringing the world to the brink of nuclear war by mishandling the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

But he saved his most memorable lines for his political adversaries.

(1) His harshest burn was directed at Rep. Schiff (D-CA), one of the key architects of the Russia collusion hoax. 

“I call him watermelon head. He’s got the thinnest neck I’ve ever seen, how it holds up that head. He’s got a neck that’s about a size 6. Very unattractive guy, both inside and outside,” Trump said.

“People say, ‘Oh, that’s such a terrible thing to say.’ That’s okay. Very unattractive guy. Here’s the thing, these are bad people, and it’s not easy to deal with, you know, when you have your kids involved, or your family, your wife, and you read stuff and most of it is untrue, it’s just totally untrue.”

(2) Biden is “very mentally deficient.”

At one point, Trump spoke about foreign countries sending their prisoners and undesirables to the U.S. via Biden’s open border.

“The United States of America has become a dumping ground because of a very mentally deficient president and it’s not him — I don’t believe it’s him. I do think he knows what’s going on,” Trump said.

“I think he’s sort of an evil, evil guy, but he’s not at the top of his game and he never was very good at it, if you look at his foreign policy for years and years and years. You look at how bad he was on the crime bill in the 1990s, how he’s been bad at everything.”

(3) The Deep State is “grossly incompetent.”

“We have people running our country who are grossly incompetent, headed up by a president who should never be there,” Trump said.

(4) “These are evil people. These are sick, evil people.”

Trump took off on left-wing prosecutors who have sought to weaponize the justice system against him.

“I have a lot of lawyers that are friends and this and that I had probably 25 guys over the course of a couple of months say, ‘Whatever you do, don’t testify, because you’ll say something that’s a little bit off, and you will be indicted for lying, for perjury,” he said.

“These are evil people. These are sick, evil people.”

(5) Trump hinted at “revenge” should he win the November election.

“Well, revenge does take time. And sometimes revenge can be justified, Phil. I have to be honest. Sometimes it can.”

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Authored by David Ng via Breitbart June 9th 2024