
Julia Roberts Seems to Admit Biden, Harris Have Ruined America During Oprah Event

Julia Roberts at "Ticket to Paradise" premiere held at the Regency Village Theatre on Octo
Gilbert Flores/Variety via Getty Images

Oscar winner Julia Roberts was one of the many Hollywood celebrities who appeared during Oprah Winfrey’s free commercial for Kamala Harris last week, but during her message, the Pretty Woman star seemed to accidentally admit that people in foreign nations think Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have ruined America.

Roberts remarked that she gets to travel overseas a lot, but when she does, she is meeting people who seem to worry that the U.S.A. is not doing very well.

Roberts explained that she wants people she meets overseas to be excited that she is American and she exclaimed, “I want people to say ‘Oh, you’re American?’” She went on to add, “not ‘Oh, how’s it going over there,'” in a tone that implies that the foreigners she is meeting feel that America is not doing well.

“I want to get back to that space,” Roberts concluded, noting that she wants to foreigners excited by her American citizenship.

But who has been leading the nation for the last four years to cause foreigners to feel so bad for Americans? None other than Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. Further, except for only a few brief respites, Democrats have held a lock on power over the country since Nancy Pelosi rose to the Speaker’s chair in 2007. Republicans have had nowhere near the lock on power that Democrats have had in Washington over the last 16 years.

Whether she meant to or not, Roberts’ comment highlighted the near two decades of failed Democrat leadership in the U.S.

Roberts was not the only one expressing frustration at Oprah’s event. Even Oprah herself seemed a bit exasperated by the non-answers Kamala Harris was doling out during the former TV talk show giant’s event that was more a donation in kind to the VP’s campaign than it was any sort of news event.

Oprah seemed particularly annoyed with Harris’s reply about the Biden Administration’s dangerous, wide-open border policies. After an audience member asked Harris for her “specific steps for strengthening the border,” Harris launched into a minutes-long word salad answer that was so bad, Oprah had to jump in to rescue the vice president and tell the audience what Harris really meant.

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via September 22nd 2024