Maher: Anti-Israel, Pro-Hamas Views Are a Majority at Schools that End up Producing People Who Hold Power

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher stated that anti-Israel and pro-Hamas sentiment is a majority view on elite campuses, which is a problem because those campuses “the mouth of the river from which most of this nonsense flows. And they’re very influential and those are the people who graduate and become the assholes in society.”

Maher said that he’s not sure that the pro-Hamas faction on the left is that small anymore and has grown significantly.

He added, “I don’t think it’s a minority on elite campuses, which [are] the mouth of the river from which most of this nonsense flows. And they’re very influential and those are the people who graduate and become the assholes in society.”

Author and Tablet Magazine columnist James Kirchick remarked, “This is a movement that claims that misgendering someone is a human rights abuse and cannot tolerate a federal judge speaking at Stanford and that his speech is a form of violence. These same people are now outside, protesting, calling for the wanton murder of Jews. This is a disgusting ideology.” Maher agreed with this point.

Maher also stated that “elite colleges, they…put out a bunch of America-hating, ahistorical hysterics.” And that college students siding with Hamas is like college students during Vietnam siding with the soldiers who perpetrated the My Lai Massacre.

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart October 14th 2023