Maher: Media Keep Downplaying Egypt Blocking ‘Their Brethren’ Palestinians from Leaving

During the opening monologue to his “Real Time” show on Friday, comedian Bill Maher criticized the media for not doing enough to point out that part of the reason Palestinians have a hard time leaving Gaza during the conflict there in the wake of the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel is due to the fact that “their brethren” in Egypt have blocked their border with Gaza and won’t allow entry to Palestinians.

Maher stated, “Now, of course, the retaliation has begun. It is also brutal. Israel is retaliating and saying that the people in Gaza, like a million people, should relocate away from the fighting. Of course, that’s pretty hard to do, because — people don’t say this in the media enough — but yes, they are blockaded on one side from going into Israel, on the other side by Egypt, their brethren. They have — Egypt has sealed the border super-tight, which is proving something I’ve always said, Egypt is more advanced than Texas.”

In another segment of the show, Maher stated that Israel has the moral high ground, but the siege of Gaza can’t last forever, and there should be a humanitarian safe space so that Israel can avoid criticism from the international community.

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart October 14th 2023