Ana Navarro told her co-host Monday on ABC’s “The View” that the Trump administration’s mass deportations were a cruel “publicly stunt.”
Navarro said, “You asked the question, is this what people voted for? I’ve actually seen some video this weekend of Latinos who voted for Trump crying because now their abuelas and their tíos are getting deported. I’m having a very hard time mustering up any sympathy for those people.”
She continued, “I’m an immigrant. I know the desperation that it takes to leave your country. Amongst immigrants in particular, there is no doubt that we want anybody who had the opportunity to come to this great country and committed a crime, we want them punished. We want them deported to the fullest extent of the law, but a lot of good, hardworking people who are in our schools, who are our colleagues, who own houses and businesses here, who are the parents of U.S. citizen children are getting caught up in this because it’s been reported that ICE officers all over the country have been given a quota. There is no way they meet that quota with just criminal aliens.”
She added, “I think what he’s done with the military in addition to the legal aspects that may be involved has a lot to do with a publicity stunt. The point is cruelty. the point is instilling fear.”
Navarro concluded, “All of those people crying right now and feeling bad by the way they voted, there’s going to be another election in two years, and we’re going to have to wait two years of pain. So if you want things to change get yourselves registered, get yourself active. There’s no reason why we should be rolling over and playing dead.”
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