Nolte: Daily Beast Pretends It Didn’t Spend Four Years Idolizing Lizzo

nolte daily beast pretends it didnt spend four years idolizing lizzo

Now that a disgusting pig named Lizzo has been outed as an (allegedly) disgusting pig, the far-left Daily Beast is pretending it never idolized the disgusting pig.

This week’s Daily Beast headline reads: “Lizzo Was Never as Progressive as We Wanted Her to Be.”

Oh, okay…

Here’s how Daily Beast says never mind:

The truth is, albums like Special, Lizzo’s most recent project, released last year, are not at all progressive—at least no more so than saying “yas queen!” or dressing up as Ruth Bader Ginsburg for Halloween. In fact, there’s often a neutrality and safeness to them that is at best politically agnostic and at worst regressive. Lizzo’s work can be better described as “progressive-core”: music that treats progressivism less as a set of values and more like a mood board; an aesthetic you can wear like a flower crown at Coachella.

Many of the songs on Special evoke the disco-pop of the late 1970s, music created and championed by the queer Black vanguard. It’s a sonic culture that was celebrated for being lush, extravagant, and, most importantly, radical. However, in true “progressive-core” fashion, Lizzo not only refuses to add a contemporary bent to this sound, she often constricts it. Songs like “Everybody’s Gay” take all the sounds of liberation—the orchestral strings, the four-on-the-floor drums, the Nile Rodgers-indebted funk—and flattens them, mixing and mastering them within an inch of their life so as to be legible on Z100. The lyrics, as the title suggests, are a pandering, paint-by-numbers attempt at identity politics; the line “Bitch, say less, express yourself reads like a sentence made from a magnetic poetry kit on a young Manhattanite’s fridge. Like all progressive-core music, the song feels forward-thinking, until you realize just how contrived every part of it truly is.

Admittedly, I’m not fluent in woketard, so things like “progressive-core” go over my head and phrases like “queer black vanguard” make me LOL, but it’s pretty obvious the Daily Beast wants to pretend Lizzo was never all that, never one of them, never a true leftist… By next week, this rag will be publishing photoshops of Lizzo in a red MAGA hat.


A quick and easy search of the Daily Beast archives tells a much different story, the story of a shallow publication desperate to turn Lizzo into its own icon of female empowerment, leftist values, and, yes, beauty.

Anyone who’s spent even a half minute watching Lizzo in action knew all along that she’s a disgusting pig. The Daily beast knew she was a disgusting pig. The only thing that’s changed is that she’s been exposed  as an (allegedly) hypocritical disgusting pig, so the Daily Beast would like us to forget the following headlines and excerpts:

 Lizzo’s New Album ‘Special’ Is Her Best Work Yet

The Grammy winner’s new disco-laced record doesn’t entirely shake her love for cringey self-empowerment anthems. But when the songs sound this good, who cares?

Lizzo’s ‘Watch Out for the Big Grrrls’ Is Good as Hell

Lizzo’s rise to superstardom was never guaranteed. The “Good as Hell” singer’s embrace of twerking, thongs, and (most shocking of all!) her own body defies the ingrained prejudices of fatphobia and misogynoir. Over the years, the singer has faced horrific bullying from trolls who can’t stand a plus-sized woman who doesn’t hate herself. Unfortunately for them, she remains unapologetically and 100 percent that bitch—and with her new show, she’s set out to find a few more superstar plus-size dancers to back her up.

Lizzo Fans See the ‘Rumors’ Backlash for What It Is: Racist Misogyny

Lizzo has changed the game and tossed the mammy stereotype out the window. She redefines the identity of the Black woman.

Why Lizzo Dethroning Iggy Azalea Is So Damn Important

For someone like Lizzo—a body-positive black woman who trades in self-love and, above all, authenticity—to claim the title of female rapper with the longest-lasting No. 1 single would be nothing short of a restoration of justice.

Lizzo Is 100 Percent That Bitch: Today’s Best Pop Star

I don’t know about other people, but Lizzo resonates with me, yes, because of her message of self-love and positivity, and the refreshing humor and vulgarity with which she wields her affirmations. (My favorite tweet on the subject: “I’m so done with being insecure I cannot be letting Lizzo down like this anymore.”) But it’s not a tunnel-vision mindset.

Some of those articles were written by guys—I mean, “““guys.”””

The Daily Beast has swooned over this disgusting pig for four years. Article after article defending or lionizing her.

The Daily Beast worked overtime to create this monster. But now that close to a dozen people have gone on the record claiming Lizzo is exactly what we all knew she (allegedly) was—a toxic bully obsessed with her sick sexual fetishes—now the Daily Beast is declaring Lizzo fans fools for not having seen through her all along. Dummies, how could you be fooled so easily? Why, she’s practically a MAGA chick.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.

Authored by John Nolte via Breitbart August 9th 2023