Nolte: Disney Blunders Into 2024 PR Disaster with Man-Hating ‘Star Wars’ Director

Journalist Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy speaks on stage at the 8th Annual Women in the World Summit at Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts on April 6, 2017, in New York City. (Monica Schipper/WireImage via Getty)
Monica Schipper/WireImage via Getty

We’re only four days into the new year, and because God loves us, the Disney Grooming Syndicate is already dealing with a crippling public relations disaster.

Already, Disney is reeling from the hideous Rachel Zegler’s big mouth. Her inane and breathtakingly arrogant comments about her upcoming Snow White remake forced Disney to push the movie’s release ahead a full year in the hope we all forget how hideous and arrogant its star proved to be.

Already, Disney is dealing with 2023, a disastrous year at the box office filled not only with box office flops but with the kinds of flops that kill franchises forever.

And now, if Disney held out any hope of launching into 2024 with a fresh start, director Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy has not only shit all over that; she has caused even more damage to Disney’s faltering Star Wars franchise, a franchise that cannot afford to take another hit.

Thanks to the talentless and DEI-obsessed Kathleen Kennedy, the chief of Lucasfilm, what was supposed to be a surefire money-making Star Wars machine that delivered two chapters a year (like Disney’s Marvel, which is also in trouble), Star Wars hasn’t released a feature film in over four years. Instead, Star Wars has been reduced to a series of terrible streaming series on Disney+, a service losing billions.

The reason for this is achingly clear: Instead of focusing on masculine valor, strong but beautiful women, escapism, adventure, and universal themes, we got dull Mary Sues; Lando Calrissian turned into a pansexual (I’m not googling that); Luke Skywalker: Child Murderer; feminist lectures; and a non-stop scolding about the patriarchy. What had been the golden goose of all golden geese grossed less and less with each chapter until Solo outright flopped.


Instead of righting the ship as Disney CEO Bob Iger promised (toldja he was lying), instead of putting an end to propaganda and insulting and alienating the customers by returning to entertainment, the obnoxious, feminist director of Disney’s next Star Wars movie is running around promising her Star Wars movie is gonna suuuuu-uh-uh-uh-uuuuck.

“I’m very thrilled about the project because I feel what we’re about to create is something very special,” director Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy told far-left CNN. “And we’re in 2024 now, and it’s about time that we had a woman come forward to shape a story in a galaxy far, far away.”

What? Huh? Disney’s awful trilogy already starred a chick, as did Rogue One (which is pretty good), but here we go again…

“I like to make men uncomfortable,” Obaid-Chinoy said of her films in 2015. “I enjoy making men uncomfortable.”

“It is important to be able to look into the eyes of a man and say ‘I am here,’” the affirmative-action hire continued, “and recognize that I am working to bring something that makes you uncomfortable and should make you uncomfortable, because you need to change your attitude.”

No sane studio would hire a shrew to direct a Star Wars movie. She obviously despises men, sees all of us as “problematic,” and uses her profession to criticize, lecture, confront, and attack us.

Star Wars is at its best when it’s a guy’s film.

This harridan hasn’t even directed a live-action feature film yet. But thanks to Disney’s affirmative action crusade to alienate the customers, she’s been handed the opportunity to bury further what was once the most beloved film franchise in history.

This is how much these people hate us.

It is long past time to start hating them back.

And don’t forget to enjoy every bad thing that happens to Disney. It’s okay to hate evil, and Disney is as evil as evil gets.

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Authored by John Nolte via Breitbart January 4th 2024