Nolte: ‘Experts’ Demand Even More Global Warming Hysteria in Movies

Warner Bros./20th Century Studios
Warner Bros./20th Century Studios

The box office is down 42 percent over the last pre-pandemic year of 2019, Hollywood just suffered the worst Memorial Day weekend in over a quarter-century, and now a bunch of experts are demanding the movies become even more woke with even more Global Warming hysteria.

Before we go any further, let me ask you something… How many times would you put up with this?


YOU: Can I help you?

EXPERT: We’ve checked and re-checked our data, and have bad news. A meteor will hit your house in three days, you have to move.

YOU: I’ll get packed.

Six months later, there’s no meteor, and the house you vacated is just fine. Then…


YOU: Can I help you?

EXPERT: We’ve checked and re-checked our data, and have bad news. A meteor will hit your house in three days, you have to move. I know we got it wrong last time, but this time we’re positive.

How many times would you put up with that before you stopped fleeing your house? Well, these Climate Change “experts” are asking us to vacate our house even after they have been wrong 53 times in a row.


[F]ewer than 10% of the 250 films passed, and climate change was mentioned in two or more scenes of fewer than 4% of the films. That’s out of touch with a moviegoing public that wants “to see their reality reflected on screen,” said Colby College English professor Matthew Schneider-Mayerson, lead researcher on the study.

“The top line is just that the vast majority of films, popular films produced over the last 10 years in the United States, are not portraying the world as it is,” Schneider-Mayerson said. “They are portraying a world that is now history or fantasy — a world in which climate change is not happening.”

Don’t laugh. This is the exact same tactic GLAAD used, which is why absolutely everything is gay now. Remember who we are dealing with. Hollywood doesn’t resent left-wing propagandists butting in like this. Nope. Hollywood loves it when left-wing propagandists give them an excuse to inject this dishonest garbage in their films. They want to be able to say, We have no choice. It’s the right thing to do.

What’s truly amusing here is this sales pitch from these experts: “That’s out of touch with a moviegoing public that wants ‘to see their reality reflected on screen.’”

Oh, okay, if that’s what the moviegoing public wants, what about the reality that most of us believe in God, resent illegal immigration, are about to vote for Trump, and are not homosexual?

People continue to believe Hollywood will eventually have no choice but to stop with this woke garbage and go back to creating art and entertainment. That’s naive. History proves that once the extreme left grabs hold of an institution, it never lets go. Given the choice between ending the propaganda and going bankrupt, they choose bankruptcy.

Look at the corporate media. Look at these Democrat-run cities.  These fascist fanatics finally have full control over the most powerful propaganda medium ever created (the movies), and they will drive it into the ground before letting go. And they are driving it into the ground.

Sorry, movies and television will not improve. Maybe, like the media, alternatives will rise in entertainment, but mainstream Hollywood is in a death spiral, and it will only get worse.

My only advice…

Move to the reddest part of a red state.

Home school.

Buy guns.

Buy Blu-rays.

John Nolte’s first and last novel, Borrowed Time, is winning five-star raves from everyday readers. You can read an excerpt here and an in-depth review here. Also available in hardcover and on Kindle and Audiobook

Authored by John Nolte via Breitbart May 27th 2024