Nolte: Josh Gad Makes Israeli Massacre All About Josh Gad

nolte josh gad makes israeli massacre all about josh gad
Amy Sussman/Getty Images

Wealthy elitist Josh Gad has found a way to make the Israeli massacre all about wealthy elitist Josh Gad.

On Saturday, Gad wrote on Instagram:

I have no words. I am praying for my many family members in Israel. What a cowardly act. What we are witnessing in real time right now is unprecedented since the Yom Kippur war. My heart breaks for the families of those who have lost loved ones, and for the hostages who have been taken. What a horrific day.

At first glance, that looks like a great message. Except, now it looks like he was setting himself up to be an attention-getting victim. After receiving the pushback he should’ve expected from his far-left, Israel-despising fan base, Josh Gad published a follow-up post so everyone would know Josh Gad was the victim…

nolte josh gad makes israeli massacre all about josh gad

“There’s something I have to say because it’s really making me curious as to where we are as a society. Yesterday, I and the world watched as a Terrorist organization massacred 600 innocent humans and took children and families hostage,” Gad wrote on Instagram Sunday.

He continued:

One of the many vile messages I will share with you that I received yesterday is: “my only regret is that they didn’t kill more Israelis.” Not soldiers… civilians. People. This isn’t a war. It’s a massacre. It’s a bloodbath. And instead of communal despair, so many are treating this as if it’s politics or a a rugby match…

Naturally, and as though he was being defiant, he also bent the knee to his fans, who would like to see every Israeli dead.

“To shame people like me for expressing grief and heartache, the same grief I share anytime an innocent Palestinian is displaced or killed? Is this where we are? I guess it is,” he mewled.

The squeaking gerbil continued:

I, who have always been critical of the Israeli Government and it’s pattern of occupation and their attacks on innocent Gazans was personally attacked, shamed, unfollowed and threatened. Instead of compassion & humanity…

“I, who have…”

nolte josh gad makes israeli massacre all about josh gad

Other than Thurston Howell III and Jonah Goldberg, who talks like that?

And I’m sorry, but he had to have expected this backlash. He knows how much his fellow leftists hate Israel. So, because the actors’ strike restricts him from receiving a regular booster of narcissism to his bottomless self-regard, he lays the foundation to get attacked and then yells, Look-at-me! Look-at-me! I’m under attack! I’m the victim! I, I, I,… I, who have…

And that’s not even the worst part. The worst part is his dog-whistling to monsters, his equivalence between those who target civilians and those who give civilians time to exit the war zone.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.

Authored by John Nolte via Breitbart October 9th 2023