Nolte: Lying Comic Hasan Minhaj Loses Chance at ‘Daily Show’ Gig

nolte lying comic hasan minhaj loses chance at daily show gig
Roy Rochlin/Getty Images

Hasan Minhaj, the proven liar who invented stories to make other people look racist, is out of the running to host Comedy Central’s the Daily Show.

According to far-left Variety, Minhaj was the “leading possibility” to replace Trevor Noah.

Wow. Don’t tell me a lying woketard is actually going to be held accountable for being a lying woketard?

Anyone who’s been reading me for any amount of time knows that I give artists plenty of room to be artists. For example, in 2011, I defended then-President Barry Obama inviting the rapper Common to the White House. Critics attacked the idea of that White House invite because of Common’s rap lyrics. My belief is that artists create characters through their art. Rappers create characters. You can’t hold that against them.

I’ll also defend comics for exaggerating. That’s part of comedy — exaggerating the truth. But the key word there is truth. Whether the comedian is talking about airline travel, his dog, his wife, his addictions, or his job, the basis must be truth.

Minhaj violated this in three ways: 1) everything was a total lie, 2) he smeared innocent people with these lies, and 3) he made himself the hero of his fabrications.

Just for starters… Minhaj claimed a white girl refused to go to homecoming with him because he was Muslim. He claimed his brother spied on a mosque for the FBI. He claimed Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, stole a seat reserved for a Saudi activist at a media event….

None of that happened.

Nevertheless, the fallout for two innocent people was very real:

For instance, the “white girl” who supposedly left him standing at her front door and ditched him for homecoming says that no such incident ever occurred and that she had turned him down many days before when he first asked her to the dance. She also says that she and her family frequently face online attacks when Minhaj fans link her real identity to the fake anecdote.

The magazine also found out that the “brother Eric,” who Minhaj claims infiltrated a mosque, never did any such thing. Indeed, the man said he was in prison in 2002, the year Minhaj said he was infiltrating a mosque for the FBI. Minhaj admitted that the whole story was a fiction made up for his show.

Minhaj also invented a story about his daughter being exposed to white powder in the mail.

So what you have here is a man desperate to exploit acts of racism in a country where there’s so little racism he has to invent racism.

What you also have here is a cruel man willing to harm everyday people to smear our tolerant country and write himself in as the hero of his own story.

This violates everything comedy is supposed to stand for, which is using humor, hyperbole, and exaggeration to examine truths.

In the wake of being exposed as a mercenary liar, Minhaj is paying a real price:

The Paramount Global cable network is considering a wider array of candidates to take the reins of the program from previous emcee Trevor Noah, according to people familiar with the matter, after having previously identified Hasan Minhaj as a leading possibility. The decision appears to come in the wake of a recent report in The New Yorker in which some of the supposedly autobiographical stories that Minhaj has used in his routines were found to be embellished.

It’s also worth noting that Comedy Central can’t afford to hire a loser like Minhaj. Trevor Noah drove the Daily Show into the ratings ditch; the show is on its last legs, especially as the affirmative action of cable TV dies out. This will likely be the Daily Show’s final host. No one watches it or Comedy Central; without cable TV propping it up, both are doomed.

Tee hee.

John Nolte’s debut novel Borrowed Time is available to order, including Kindle and Audible. Amazon reviews are helpful and appreciated. 

Authored by John Nolte via Breitbart October 2nd 2023