Nolte: Sean Penn Blasts ‘Liberalism,’ Says Time for Artists to Be ‘Politically Incorrect’

MARRAKECH, MOROCCO - NOVEMBER 30: Sean Penn on stage to receive a tribute award on the sec
Antoine Flament/WireImage via Getty Images

On top of crushing the Bush, Obama, Clinton, and Biden political eras, Donald Trump’s smashing electoral victory last month appears to have put a stake in the heart of the stifling Woke Gestapo era that has had everyone walking on eggshells for ten years.

All the fun has been taken out of everything, especially entertainment, and most especially the movies. So, more proof that the pendulum is finally swinging back comes from no less than Sean Penn, who ripped modern-day liberalism while accepting a career award Saturday at the Marrakech International Film Festival.

“For those of you with any familiarity with me, and what has been my life, you will understand that I don’t often miss the opportunity to say an opinion, and I have one tonight in celebration of this incredible group of people that this festival brings together,” Penn told the assembled crowd.

“I think it’s our job to exploit our diversity in positive ways, and to stand up for it, to embody it,” he added while referencing a 2018 debate actor Stephen Fry engaged in condemning political correctness.

“While Stephen is a very progressive minded person,” Penn explained, “what he criticized in the liberals on the other side for was that liberalism has become, not only in the United States but around the world, this demand for diversity. But not diversity,” Penn continued, “of behavior and not diversity of opinion or language. I would just encourage everybody to be as politically incorrect as their heart desires and to engage in diversity and keep telling those stories.”

Hear, hear.

Something I’ve been saying over and over since Woke McCarthyism’s New Production Code smothered artistic freedom is that you’d think the one issue left-wing Hollywood and right-wing extremists like myself could agree on is that censorship is wrong, evil, and un-American. But instead of fighting against the left’s fascist demand for conformity, all of Hollywood rolled over like good dogs and the result was two-fold: 1) a massive pile of shitty movies and TV shows, and 2) the destruction of countless careers of those who appeared in all that shit.

Here you have all these talented black actors and actresses who never got a chance from racist Hollywood. Then the era of the Woke Reich hits and a bunch of white leftists destroy countless black actors and actresses by casting them in woke shit. First impressions matter, and if our first impression is that this actor is a smug, preachy, egotistical jerk, that career is going nowhere. Goodwill and appeal creates long careers.

Artists and art need to become badass again.

Sean Penn and I likely agree on nothing, but his talent and career as an actor and director is indisputably great. Hopefully, his speaking out will encourage more to do the same. Movies can’t stop sucking soon enough.

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Authored by John Nolte via Breitbart December 2nd 2024