Nolte: Woke Content Is Killing Cable and Streaming TV Subscriptions

Satellite dishes
Paul Sakuma, File/AP

If you’re looking for a feelzzzgood story, how about this? Millions of Americans are canceling their cable TV — and streaming TV is not picking up the slack.

“No version of TV — not cable, not streaming, no one — is able to meaningfully grow an audience right now,” reports the far-left Axios. “There simply aren’t many new viewers to be found, on any platform or through any means.”

And this is probably why Biden opened the border. Hollywood fascists now have millions of new potential customers, most of whom will subsidize these streaming services with welfare checks.

The Axios story includes a chart showing a “stark decline in cable TV subscribers.” Cable/satellite TV has lost nearly 12 percent of subscribers over the past decade. Even the “skinny bundles” that were supposed to save cable have dropped nearly seven percent in just four years.

“[Y]ou might expect that streaming services would be growing where cable is shrinking,” continues Axios, but “[t]hey’re not.”

Subscriber churn, which includes cancellations and lapsed subscriptions, has nearly tripled in the United States in the past four years. Just about every major streaming service has plateaued and is now adding fewer net new subscribers each year.

Why is this happening?

The corrupt Axios and entertainment media will never tell you the truth, but it’s happening because the content sucks.

Back in the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s, when over a hundred million households subscribed to cable/satellite TV, we loved it because the content was awesome. We hardly noticed we were paying all that money for dozens of channels we never watched. We didn’t care. There was so much good stuff it felt like we were getting our money’s worth.

Those days are long over. Hollywood made billions every MONTH from our cable bills. It was unearned money, and it created laziness. Hollywood knew we would buy any dog food they put in front of us — which was true because there was no alternative — so the dog food got worse. Hollywood also got smug. Suddenly, networks once enjoyed universally — like MTV, Comedy Central, CNN, etc. — became openly hostile and hateful towards half the country. What could those of us being hated on do? We had nowhere else to go.

Cable TV removed the need for Hollywood to operate on merit because Hollywood made money no matter what.

Then streaming came along as an alternative, and it’s all coming apart. We’re no longer willing to fund outlets that hate us, or that produce lousy content. Churn (cancellations) is killing these streaming outlets because these outlets do not have enough decent content to hold us month after month.

I’ll tell you what’s really happening… Millions and millions have discovered what I discovered: that there is no reason to pay for a streaming service. The amount of free streaming TV out there is limitless. FreeVee, Pluto, the Roku Channel, and countless others. Sure, you get ads, but it’s free. Streaming services and cable TV charge you and hit you with ads.

Some of you might complain, But-but-but those free streaming outlets only stream older shows.

Those of us who have taste will tell you, That’s a plus, dummy.

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Authored by John Nolte via Breitbart February 28th 2024