‘Pro-Life Spiderman’ Climber Scales Las Vegas Sphere to Raise Funds for Homeless Pregnant Woman

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA - FEBRUARY 07: Individuals are seen in handcuffs near the Sphere after l
Jamie Squire/Getty Images

Maison Des Champs, who bills himself as the “pro-life Spiderman,” scaled the 366-foot-tall Las Vegas Sphere to raise money for a homeless pregnant woman on Wednesday.

Des Champs posted a live message after reaching the top of arena and told viewers that he chose the Sphere because the Super Bowl was coming to Las Vegas.

“While half a million football fans arrive in Las Vegas for Superbowl LVIII, Des Champs wants to shake the public into caring about the fate of unborn children in our country,” the pro-life charity Let Them Live said in a statement, according to the Daily Mail.

The group added that they are raising money for a 37-year-old woman who was considering an abortion but who now wants help to keep her baby.

The Sphere is the recently opened music and entertainment arena in Paradise, Nevada, situated just outside Las Vegas, east of the Las Vegas Strip. With a 580,000-square-foot exterior, it is the largest spherical structure in the world.

Des Champs contrasted the importance of the pro-life movement with the superficiality of following Taylor Swift.

“Over 2,000 children meet their demise through abortion every day in America, but we’ve grown apathetic about it,” Des Champs said, adding, “We care more about seeing Taylor Swift on the kiss cam than a third of our generation that has been wiped from abortion.”

“In the spotlight of my climb today is Isabel, a brave soul currently navigating through life’s harshest storms, pregnant and facing uncertainty with every step,” Des Champs wrote on the group’s donation page.

“‘Having had to make the heart-wrenching decision to adopt out three of her children, and with twins living with her ex-husband, she’s now facing the prospect of bringing a new life into this world under the most challenging circumstances imaginable,” he said.

“By supporting Isabel, you join a community of barrier-breakers and ceiling-shatterers. Together, we will save a life,” the fundraising page concluded.

Des Champs was arrested for trespassing after finishing his climb.

The “Spiderman” climber performed a similar feat ahead of the Super Bowl last year, as well, when he scaled a 40-story Phoenix office building without using any safety harnesses.

Des Champs also climbed the Devon Tower located in Oklahoma City in 2022 to protest abortion.

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Authored by Warner Todd Huston via Breitbart February 7th 2024