Rob Reiner Ramps Up Left’s ‘Christian Nationalism’ Hysteria with New Documentary ‘God and Country’

rob reiner ramps up lefts christian nationalism hysteria with new documentary god and country
Alessandro Di Ciommo/NurPhoto via Getty Images

As radical Islamists spread havoc in major cities and college campuses, the left has come up with a new boogeyman to distract and scare its voter base into submission — “Christian nationalism.”

Rob Reiner is joining in the choreographed hysteria with his new documentary God and Country, which seeks to frame religious conservatives as nutjobs who pose a threat to democracy.

God and Country, which opens in cinemas February, is directed by Dan Partland, the left-wing documentarian who helmed 2020’s #Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump. Reiner serves as a producer on the new doc.

“Christian nationalism” is the left’s new buzzword, with Democrat strategists and influencers trying to make it ubiquitous on the airwaves and social media.

The documentary’s director defines the term as “the intertwining of a Christian identity with a political identity such that it can be hard to tell where one ends and the other begins.”

But many conservative Christians see political engagement as a means of fighting back against the left’s weaponization of the media, academia, and Silicon Valley against its political opponents.

Last week , Democratic operative James Carville ratcheted up the hysteria by telling Bill Maher that “Christian nationalism” is a “bigger threat than al-Qaeda to this country.”

“Let me tell you something, they got the speaker of the House, they got probably at least two Supreme Court justices, maybe more. Don’t kid yourself … this is a fundamental threat to the United States,” Carville said.

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Authored by David Ng via Breitbart December 8th 2023