Ron DeSantis: Nikki Haley ‘Invited Disney to South Carolina, Even Though They Were Involved in Trans-ing Kids’

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis called out Nikki Haley during Wednesday’s Republican primary debate, noting that she invited Disney World to relocate to her home state of South Carolina despite the company’s well-documented embrace of transgender messaging to children.

Ron DeSantis addressed the Disney controversy after CNN co-moderator Dana Bash asked him about his tough stance against the company.

“The proper role of government, if it means anything, it is to protect our kids. It’s wrong to sexualize the curriculum,” he said.

“It’s wrong to tell a kindergartner, like Disney wanted to, that you can change your gender. Or to tell a third grader that you were born in the wrong body,” he continued. “Disney is the 800-pound gorilla in the state of Florida. Most people, most corporate Republicans, would have caved.”

DeSantis then took aim at Haley, saying she “invited Disney to South Carolina, even though they were involved in trans-ing kids.”

As Breitbart News reported, Haley has invited Disney World to re-locate from Florida to South Carolina.

@Disney, my home state will happily accept your 70,000+ jobs if you want to leave Florida,” she wrote in a social media post last year. “We’ve got great weather, great people, and it’s always a great day in South Carolina! SC’s not woke, but we’re not sanctimonious about it either.”

The Walt Disney Company declared a political war on Florida in 2022 over the state’s Parental Rights in Education Law, which protects public school students from indoctrination in radical gender theory, including transgenderism, as well as other forms of LGBTQ activism.

In response, DeSantis revoked Disney Word’s self-governing status in the Orlando area — a lucrative corporate privilege that Disney had enjoyed for decades.

The two sides are now embroiled in a complex set of lawsuits over the self-governing district, which is called Reedy Creek.

Disney continues to embrace transgenderism in its entertainment for kids.

The studio has created multiple transgender characters for its children’s shows, and has even allowed cross-dressers to greet children in its theme parks.

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Authored by David Ng via Breitbart January 11th 2024