New year, new routine: A guide to basic stretching for better overall health

Smart stretching tips to stay healthy during this time of year and well beyond

'Stretch out' your holiday with key moves to combat pain

Stretchlab flexologist Patrick Fernandez shares several key stretches to help combat pain and improve flexibility.

As we embark on a new year, prioritizing our health and well-being takes center stage.

It is far too easy at this time of year to forget fitness and wellness β€” including stretching.

Yet staying fit and limber is critical, no matter the time of year.


Patrick Fernandez, a flexologist with StretchLab's location on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, appeared on "Fox & Friends" in 2022 to share smart tips and stretching ideas for the holiday period and well beyond.Β 

The company offers assisted stretching for its clients via the help of trained exercise coaches.

Man running in snow

Stretching can eliminate muscle pain throughout the body and address aches and pains from working out or sitting in a position that promotes bad posture.Β  (iStock)

They offer one-on-one and group stretching sessions led by certified Flexologists who help clients improve their flexibility, range of motion, and overall mobility. The sessions typically involve targeted stretching exercises tailored to individual needs and goals.

In the pursuit of a pain-free and healthy lifestyle, incorporating stretching into your routine emerges as a powerful ally to improve flexibility and overall mobility.

Beyond its general benefits, stretching plays a pivotal role in eliminating back pain and addressing various aches and pains. However, it's crucial to consult with a doctor before embarking on any new exercise program or regimen to ensure a safe and tailored approach to your individual needs.

From simple neck stretches to more complex lower back movements, Patrick Fernandez demonstrates an array of stretches that target different muscle groups, promoting flexibility and mobility.

Fernandez said, "Stretching is very important."Β 

He then demonstrated a stretch for the lower back, emphasizing that it should be held for 20–30 seconds.

Those who sit for long periods of time at tables, desks or laptop stations may benefit greatly from some of these stretches.Β 

He said it is done while standing, with legs slightly apart.

Embracing lower back stretches as part of a regular regimen can significantly enhance mobility, alleviate discomfort, and contribute to a more active and healthier lifestyle.

He then demonstrated a cross-body shoulder stretch.


He said for those individuals spending extended hours at tables, desks, or laptops, targeted stretches can alleviate the strain on the back and neck, promoting comfort during prolonged periods of sitting.Β 

Athletes, on the other hand, can leverage stretching to enhance flexibility, prevent injuries and optimize performance in their respective disciplines.

  • couple stretching health and fitness

    Young people are shown stretching outdoors. Most of the stretches that StretchLab's Patrick Fernandez demonstrated on "Fox and Friends" need to be held for 20–30 seconds. (iStock)

  • Woman stretching before a workout

    Sitting at the laptop for long periods of time can bring on tension in the neck, indicated one exercise professional. (iStock)

Whether standing, sitting or lying down, dedicating time to stretching can significantly impact flexibility and help alleviate muscle tension.Β 

He said this stretch should also be held for 20–30 seconds.

Fernandez then turned next to stretches for the neck β€” demonstrating a tilting of the head slightly, again noting this stretch should be held for 20–30 seconds as well.

"There's a lot of tension there in the neck when you're sitting a lot," said Fernandez.

In today's sedentary lifestyles, where hours are spent hunched over screens, the benefits of neck stretching come to the forefront as a crucial practice for wellness.Β 

By enhancing flexibility and range of motion, neck stretches can empower individuals to move more freely, potentially preventing chronic stiffness and pain, while also serving as a stress-relief mechanism, aiding in relaxation.


Incorporating these neck stretches into daily routines could be a key step towards combating the effects of modern-day sedentariness and promoting better overall health.

Family members and friends can do all of these stretches together, of course β€” and even make this into a new family tradition for healthy times together.

As you explore the potential of stretching to alleviate back pain, enhance performance, and improve overall well-being, remember that a personalized approach is key.Β 

To learn more and to see the individual stretches mentioned here, watch the video at the top of this article β€” or click here to access it.Β 

Maureen Mackey is managing editor of lifestyle for Fox News Digital.

Authored by Maureen Mackey,Maeghan Dolph via FoxNews December 26th 2022