Teacher sparks debate by telling parents not to bring cupcakes for birthdays in viral video: ‘Too messy'

A teacher's video has garnered over 2.4 million views on TikTok

Kindergarten teacher provokes debate online for asking parents not to bring cupcakes for birthdays

Ann Brackemyer, a kindergarten teacher in Illinois, has sparked debate on TikTok after asking parents to not bring cupcakes to classrooms for birthdays because they are a "ginormous mess."

An Illinois teacher has shared an "unpopular opinion" on TikTok — and based on the comments, it appears her opinion really is unpopular.

Ann Brackemyer, a kindergarten teacher, went viral on social media when she asked parents not to bring cupcakes into the classroom for their children's birthdays.

"I love to celebrate birthdays in my classroom [and] I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion, but please don't bring cupcakes," Brackemyer said in her video, which has garnered over 2.4 million views.


Brackemyer suggested parents opt for other sweet treat options instead, as cupcakes can get messy.

"Many parents don’t realize what it is actually like in a classroom, so I thought I would offer a suggestion on birthday treats," she told Fox News Digital about her thoughts. "There are many more options besides cupcakes." 

teacher doesn't want parents bringing cupcakes to class

Ann Brackemyer, a kindergarten teacher in Illinois, has gone viral on TikTok for asking parents to please not bring cupcakes into the classroom for their kids' birthday celebrations — but instead to consider other options. (@kbcrayons /TMX)

She said that cupcakes "make a ginormous mess, and the kids honestly don't eat them that well," the kindergarten teacher said online.

"The frosting gets all over and the kids aren't sure what to do. It's just too much for them and it's too messy."

Brackemyer shared other viable options for birthday celebrations in the classroom for parents to consider.


She offered up Lofthouse-style frosted cookies with sprinkles or even Casey's General Store donuts.

She also suggested ice cream cups with sprinkles, which can be left in the teacher's freezer.

  • teacher-suggests-cookies

    One option Brackemyer suggested was soft, frosted cookies because they're not as messy as cupcakes.  (@kbcrayons /TMX)

  • teacher-suggests-ice-cream-and-sprinkles

    The teacher suggested ice cream cups, plus sprinkles for the kids to put on top. (@kbcrayons /TMX)

  • teacher-suggest-Little-Debbie-snacks

    Brackemyer suggested parents bring Little Debbie snacks instead of frosted cupcakes. (@kbcrayons /TMX)

She concluded with Little Debbie snacks because of their size and varying flavors, but also highly recommended brownies with colored candy-coated sprinkles.

"These are just simple, easy snacks that you can bring for your child in their classroom that are not as messy, and also the kids love [them]," the Illinois teacher stated in her final video.

"There are many more options besides cupcakes." 

The teacher received some support from fellow parents and teachers, who found these suggestions to be very helpful.


"Love that you are making these videos," one social media user wrote. 

"Our teachers are absolute angels for caring and teaching our children day after day. I love knowing how to make your life 1% easier. Keep them coming!"

little girl eating cupcake iStock

Some teachers and parents agreed with the Illinois teacher and have found their own alternatives to "messy" cupcakes in the classroom. (iStock)

"I was my kindergartener's room mom last year and helped with all the holiday parties. I actually said out loud during one, 'Note to self, don't send cupcakes,'" another TikTok account commented.

A fellow teacher shared, "As a teacher, I agree cupcakes are so messy and the kids always pick off the frosting and most of the time leave them half-eaten because they’re too sweet … Cookies are the best choice."

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Another user wrote, "Thank you, ma'am, for this video, I'm the hardworking custodian that has to clean the classrooms after the kids have dropped most of the cupcakes all over the floor. It's a pain to clean up afterward."

Yet most social media users were not on Brackemyer's side — and even challenged her opinion by saying they would bring whatever their child wants.

iStock birthday cupcakes

Many parents commented on the viral TikTok about classroom cupcakes — saying they will bring in cupcakes to school if their child wants cupcakes. (iStock)

"I bring in whatever my child chooses! It’s their birthday, they get to pick," one TikTok parent commented.

Said another user, "Totally understand! But I don’t mind the mess or if they don’t eat them. As a teacher, I’m bringing cupcakes for my birthday, too."

Another social media user wrote, "Ice cream is way messier than cupcakes and I will bring my kids their cupcakes and I've never seen a child not eat their cupcake when brought in."

One parent said, "I asked my teacher every year (they are different ppl) what should I bring and not bring for my [child's] birthday — they ALL said, 'Bring what you want, but if you're looking for a suggestion I would say CUPCAKES!!'"


A kindergarten teacher has caused a debate online after asking parents to bring alternatives to cupcakes into the classroom for birthday celebrations. (@kbcrayons /TMX; iStock)

Brackemyer intended to share some suggestions for parents in an effort to make things "simple," but a much deeper conversation erupted.

Many parents insisted they want to bring in whatever makes their kid happy — whether it's cookies, cake pops, rice puff treats or even cupcakes.


"I appreciate all the responses and comments on the video," Brackemyer also told Fox News Digital. "Everyone has an opinion, and that’s OK, we are all different. The world would be boring if we all agreed."

She added, "I think it is fun to read the other ideas and suggestions that parents and teachers have. I love the idea of French fries in the classroom for a birthday from one comment. That is the cool thing about social media — different ideas from all over that we can all benefit from."

Sydney Borchers is a lifestyle production assistant with Fox News Digital. 

Authored by Sydney Borchers via FoxNews August 29th 2024