2020 Biden voters now concerned he's too old, don't believe he's 'sharp:' 'He's aged a lot'

Biden is the oldest serving president in US history at 81 years old

Trump: Biden is a true threat to democracy

Former President Trump joins 'Hannity' for an exclusive interview to discuss growing concerns over President Biden's cognitive ability, the IVF debate following Alabama embryo ruling and his legal cases.

Voters who supported President Biden in 2020 are now concerned that he is too old to serve another term, according to a recent report. 

A new poll from the New York Times and Siena College found that 61% of respondents who voted for Biden in 2020 agreed with the statement "Joe Biden is just too old to be an effective president." 

Otto Abad, 50, an independent voter in Scott, La., who said he cast a ballot for Biden in 2020, told The Times Sunday that the president seems considerably older now than he did four years ago. 

"If he was in this sort of mental shape, I didn’t realize back then," Abad said. "He’s aged a lot. With the exception of Trump, every president seems to age a lot during their presidency."


Joe Biden split image

Voters who supported President Biden in 2020 are now concerned that he is too old to serve another term, according to a recent report.  (Getty Images)

"Trump, one of the few things I would say good about him, is that nothing seems to bother him," Abad said. "He seems like he’s in the same mental shape he was 10 years ago, 12 years ago, 15 years ago. He’s like a cockroach."

Calvin Nurjadin, a Democratic voter from Cedar Park, Texas, told The Times that he did not believe claims that Biden is just as mentally sharp as he was in previous years. 

"You’ve just kind of seen the clips of, you know, he’s having memories onstage and, you know, during debate and discussion where he kind of freezes up a lot," Nurjadin said. "Him being sharp and fit is not very convincing."


Shermaine Elmore, who voted for Biden in 2020, said that he is planning on switching his vote to Trump in November. 

"I don’t think [Biden]'s in the best health to make a decision if the country needs the president to make a decision," Elmore, who lives in Baltimore, said. 

Samuel Friday, a 28-year-old from Goose Creek, S.C., told the outlet that he was concerned about Biden's age and whether he could live out his entire second term. 

"In terms of his health, I think people have come out and said that he’s healthy as can be, which is always positive," Friday said. "But when you get to a certain age, there is the higher risk that the president could die in office. And I’m not sure that Kamala Harris would be the choice that I would want in the presidency."

President Biden and Vice President Harris

"In terms of his health, I think people have come out and said that he’s healthy as can be, which is always positive," former Biden voter Samuel Friday said. "But when you get to a certain age, there is the higher risk that the president could die in office. And I’m not sure that Kamala Harris would be the choice that I would want in the presidency." (Getty Images)

Not all voters were in agreement that Biden was too old to serve another term. Margaret Stewart, a retiree in Westland, Mich., said that she trusted in Biden's mental ability

"Some of the little flubs he had, one, he’s had those forever," she said, "and I honestly think his memory is better than mine when I was in my 40s." 

"He’s not senile," Stewart said. 

A recent report from Special Counsel Robert Hur found that Biden was a "sympathetic, well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory."

Fox News' Joseph A. Wulfsohn contributed to this report.

Jeffrey Clark is an associate editor for Fox News Digital. He has previously served as a speechwriter for a cabinet secretary and as a Fulbright teacher in South Korea. Jeffrey graduated from the University of Iowa in 2019 with a degree in English and History. 

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Authored by Jeffrey Clark via FoxNews March 4th 2024