31 Million Excess Deaths, Infant mRNA Inoculations and the 5th Dimension

You may already know that between 2020 and 2023 there were 31 million excess deaths.  

You may also know some of largest spikes in death rate occurred as the vaccines were being rolled out.

Indeed you may even know that all viruses, including SARS Covid-19 are fictions.  There has never been any scientific evidence that any virus exists.

In the face of this knowledge what is your response to the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) September 6 recommendations that infants between 6 months and 4 years receive regular shots of Covid-19 vaccines? 

Covid-19 vaccine schedule for infants 6 months to 4 years.  Source: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/clinical-considerations/interim-considerations-us.html
Covid-19 vaccine schedule for infants 6 months to 4 years.  Source:




I have and continue to experience these emotions.  Is a depopulated AI driven dystopian world our inevitable future?

I don’t think so.

Human tragedies like these also motivate me to discover the origin of death-inducing illusions like Covid and beyond the illusion search for what is actually true.

Here is some of what I found.

The illusion appears to have begun around 1,500 B.C. as men and women experienced a separation from the gods.  This event is recorded in traditions around the world.  It is only after 1,500 B.C. that we see the first examples of genocide, the appearance of demons and the need for prayer. 

The phase one videos of the Troubles Away program deal with the history of these events and how the largely unconscious beliefs that continue to foster the illusion can be cleared.

I found the clearing process well worth it.  As the negative beliefs began to fade solutions started appearing for many personal life issues and ,as you can see below, for the world.

Fast forward to the third set of videos of the Troubles Away program and we discover there is a field from which everything arises.  This includes the sun, mRNA vaccines and your toothbrush.

Scientists call this the Zero Point Field – a vast sea of energy potential.  From the experiments of quantum physics scientists also know this field responds to consciousness.

When people talk about transitioning to the 5th dimension, what they mean is that we begin to consciously interact with this field.  That is to say, when we want to see change we focus less on what is already manifest and work at the level of the field before things appear.

Learning to do this is effective and profound. 

For example between 2002 and 2007 the urban murder rate in the US had been steadily increasing.  Over the next three years between 2007 and 2010 the upward trend was reversed by 1,725 meditators in Fairfield Iowa.  During this period there was a 28.4% decrease in murders in 206 urban environments.   This equates to 4,136 murders being averted.

In other words the meditators in Fairfield were interacting with the field and this interaction reduced the US urban crime rate.  The probability that the reduced trend in murder rates could simply be due to chance is 1 in 10 million million.

Murder Rate in 206 US Cities, 2002–2010 Source: http://istpp.org/news/2017_03-new-research-group-meditation-reduced-murder-rates.html
Murder Rate in 206 US Cities, 2002–2010 Source: http://istpp.org/news/2017_03-new-research-group-meditation-reduced-murder-rates.html

Anyone has the ability to consciously interact with the field.  Different techniques can be used.  The folks from Fairfield used a process called Transcendental Meditation.  Through their practise it appears they increased the coherence of the field which led to the reduction in crime rate.

The videos of phase 3 of the Troubles Away program teach how to generate your own mini fields, called Mer Ka Bah, around yourself, places and people you are seeking to influence. One of the benefits of this approach is that you are able to program the fields you create for different outcomes such as healing someone or even, as I have done, keeping rats out of the attic.

As more men and women consciously interact with the field mRNA vaccines for infants are likely to disappear. I believe that working at the level of the field is the way lasting change takes place. The compulsive fictions of a traumatised humanity are replaced by conscious creation. 

The good news is that you don’t have to wait for others to begin experiencing these benefits.  If my experience is anything to go by in a very short time you will be both amazed and empowered by what manifests.

Welcome to the 5th dimension.




Authored by Derisk via ZeroHedge September 10th 2024