A Preview Of Post-White America

a preview of post white america
Post-White America means less competence and less fairness. Trump's mugshot exemplifies both. 

Submitted via Portfolio Armor:

A Preview Of Post-White America 

The Trump arraignment in Fulton County, Georgia, the DOJ lawsuit against SpaceX, and the disastrous Lahaina wildfire in Maui County, Hawaii all offer previews of the government incompetence and injustice that will characterize a post-white America. In Georgia, a district attorney indicted Donald Trump for doing something she has done repeatedly herself, question election results. 

The injustice of this is obvious: a rabid partisan using the law to attack a political opponent. 

The incompetence was thinking that taking a mugshot of Trump would hurt him politically. Within a couple of hours, Trump had repurposed the mugshot into a viral tweet--his first since being banned from Twitter two and a half years ago.

As of this writing, that tweet, which includes a link to his fundraising page, had been viewed more than 68 million times. 

Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan DA who is prosecuting Trump in another case where the law has been stretched to ensnare a political opponent, is pictured bottom right in the tweet below; like the other individuals, he belongs to the demographic group most loyal to the Democratic party: African Americans. 

Suing A Company For Not Hiring Illegal Aliens

On the same day as the circus in Fulton County, Georgia, the federal Department of Justice sued SpaceX for not hiring illegal aliens. 

The assistant attorney general bringing the lawsuit is Kristen Clarke.

And she's effectively put Musk in a Catch-22. 

Is a pattern becoming clear yet? It kind of looks like black Democrats are engaged in lawfare against the leader of the opposition (and the whiter of the two major political parties) and a Biden voter (Elon Musk) who gave that leader back his X (Twitter) account. 

Can This Be Anti-White If White People Don't Exist?

In a way, that sounds like a silly question--obviously, white people exist--but it's precisely their lack of positive recognition as a distinct group that facilitates the examples of government discrimination above. At the same time, that sort of discrimination has raised the racial consciousness of more whites. A prominent example of that this week was Charlie Kirk's white pride tweet. 

To understand the significance of Charlie Kirk tweeting that, it helps to know that he and his outfit, Turning Point USA, were as recently as a few years ago, establishment, colorblind, conservatives. Expressing pride in being white was something he would have considered well outside the Overton window then. Christopher Rufo, America's most effective activist against leftist politics in schools, wasn't comfortable with Kirk's embrace of white identity as such. In response, Scott Greer pointed out that being white has more impact on a white American's life than being part-Italian or part some other specific European identity: 

In modern America, ethnic identity for whites is far less tangible than race. Vast majority of whites are mixed, were not raised in ethnic communities, and have little ties to a distinct ethnic identity outside of pasta night. Meanwhile, white can define how people see you on the street, how you dress, whether you get into the university you want, where you live, what music you listen to, etc. "Whiteness" impacts the average white person much more than being part Italian.

Our friend Lomez noted that the establishment's anti-whiteness has itself reified whiteness as a group identity. 

And he also pointed out what we as Americans lose when white culture ceases to be our underlying culture, and whites instead become another grasping identity group. 

Ironically, Christopher Rufo's aversion to whites acting as a distinct group is itself an aspect of the underlying, unstated, white culture we are losing 

When There Are No Whites To Blame

Moving west, we get to the most tragic preview of post-white America: the Lahaina wildfire on Maui, where it looks like the final death toll will be well over a thousand people. From what we know so far, this was partly the result of massive government incompetence...

Including the disastrous decision of this Hawaiian Studies grad. 

You've almost certainly seen the video of President Biden seemingly dozing off during a memorial for the victims in Maui; as others have noted, President George W. Bush got far more criticism for flying over New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina than Biden taking his leisurely time to get to Maui, then dozing during a memorial, and jokingly comparing the devastating loss of life there to a kitchen fire he once had in Delaware. Like Bush, Biden is white, but unlike Bush, he is the leader of the party of nonwhites and self-abasing whites, so he can't be blamed. 

Most Hawaiian government officials will likely escape blame too. Accountable, democratic government will be missing from post-white America.  As the founder of Singapore, Lee Kwan Yew said of multiracial democracies, 

In multiracial societies, you don't vote in accordance with your economic interests and social interests, you vote in accordance with race and religion.

Biden could doze comfortably in Maui knowing Hawaii's four electoral votes were safely in the bag for 2024. 

Trading The Decline 

Incompetence in Maui appears to have included the local electric utility as well, Hawaiian Electric (HE). That company was in the news for two reasons yesterday. First, Maui County sued them for negligence that may have caused the fire. 

And second, because Hawaiian Electric suspended its dividend.

"Failing Angel" refers to companies that go bankrupt so fast it happens before rating agencies have time to downgrade them from investment grade. 

In our trading Substack last week ("Blood In The Streets"), we placed two trades against Hawaiian Electric, one of which filled so far, a bet that the stock wouldn't be trading above $13.50 by mid-September. Yesterday's news makes that trade look likely to be a winner. If you'd like a heads up when our second trade gets filled, feel free to subscribe below. 


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Authored by Portfolio Armor via ZeroHedge August 25th 2023