'Honey, White people are scared. They're becoming a minority. The world is brown,' Lewis told SiriusXM host Zerlina Maxwell this week
'Black-ish' star Jenifer Lewis rants about Rosa Parks, Emmett Till at Val Demings rally
American actress Jenifer Lewis accuses Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., of lying and rants about civil rights icons including Rosa Parks and Emmett Till at rally for Senate candidate Rep. Val Demings, D-Fla.
ABC’s "Black-ish" star Jenifer Lewis offered a dire assessment of race relations in America during a recent radio interview, claiming that "White people" in America are scared of "brown" people "and seeking ways to put them "in their places," like electing former President Trump.
She also blasted individuals not interested in voting in the 2024 presidential election, warning them that if Trump wins re-election, he will "tear up" the Constitution in "our faces," declare himself "king of the f---ing world," and put all minorities in camps.
The 67-year-old sitcom actress made the claims during the Thursday episode of SiriusXM radio show "Mornings With Zerlina." Her assessment started with Trump as the topic, slamming Americans who are considering sitting voting out this time around.
ABC sitcom star Jenifer Lewis went on an expletive-laden anti-Trump rant during a recent radio interview. (Cindy Ord / Staff)
"We spend half our lives choosing, trying to make a choice on bulls---. What movie tonight? Let me sit here for a half hour. No bombs going off. And we do nothing. We sit on our couches. ‘Oh, I don't believe in voting.’ You f------ idiot. If that man gets in, as soon as he takes the oath, he will have generals walk down the steps of the Capitol."
Her warning grew even more dire, as she said, "He will take a hammer and break the glass where the Constitution is, and he will tear it up in our faces and say, 'Now I'm the king of the f------ world. You will bow down, b------' He will punish everybody that didn't vote for him."
Lewis explained why she’s so convinced this will happen, telling host Zerlina Maxwell she recognizes his "mental illness." She yelled into the mic,"I know it because I know what mental illness looks like. That mania is unstoppable. See, this mother----- is Hitler. He didn't come to play."
Speaking of various minority groups, she added, "That mother----- will have us in camps… because we sat our fat a---- on the couch."
Lewis ripped into former President Trump while talking on SiriusXM radio show "Mornings With Zerlina," calling him Hitler and saying he will put minorities in camps. (Donald Trump/Truth Social)
Lewis continued, telling White Americans and conservatives that minorities aren’t coming for them so they don’t need to resort to these actions out of fear.
"Black people don't want fight you. All we want to do is feed our children and be equal," she insisted, telling Maxwell, "Honey, White people are scared. They're becoming a minority. The world is brown."
The expletive-laden rant continued, with Lewis describing further punishment "White" people will seek to inflict on minorities, referring to them with racial slurs.
"And they're going to do everything they can to stay in those gated communities, not pay taxes, and put those n------ in their places and get those wetbacks out of this country. We own this, b----."
"You will not win because love is the answer," she added before continuing with more violent imagery.
"We built this country for free while you raped us in your barns. While you whipped us. While you lynched us and cut babies out of our stomachs while we hung from f------ trees. And you got something to say?" she asked.
"Mornings with Zerlina" airs weekday mornings on SiriusXM’s Progress Channel 127.
Gabriel Hays is an associate editor for Fox News Digital.