ADL CEO: Harvard ‘Clearly Not Educating Students’ if Their Students Defend the ‘Fascism’ of Hamas

On Monday’s broadcast of CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt reacted to students at Harvard University blaming Israel for being attacked by Hamas by stating that the school is “clearly not educating students” if they believe that “murder at scale is somehow legitimate,” and “think it’s okay to equivocate in the face of fascism.” And stated that Harvard needs to revisit its entire core education.

Greenblatt stated, “So, look, the first thing that I would do if I was the president of Harvard University, I would say, we are clearly not educating students. For students to think that, again, murder at scale is somehow legitimate, that occupation causes terror. There are no Israelis in Gaza for goodness’ [sake]. It’s a silly turn of phrase. But, to your question, what would I do, well, number one, I would say we need to revisit our entire core education, because they’re clearly not teaching morals or values. That’s number one. And then, number two, the president of Harvard, like the president of UPenn, like the president of any of these institutions, needs to stand up and speak out and say, this is disgraceful and wrong. Students are entitled to their opinions. But I think their parents are paying for them to be educated. You are clearly not getting education if you think it’s okay to equivocate in the face of fascism.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart October 9th 2023