ADL CEO: School Presidents Who Were ‘Quick to Jump on Every Perceived Microaggression’ Are Now Weak on ‘Evil’

On Monday’s broadcast of CNBC’s “Last Call,” Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt criticized university presidents “who seemed so quick to jump on every perceived microaggression or every ill-considered statement on other issues” but are now equivocal in the face of the evil of the Hamas attack on Israel. But did praise the response issued by University of Florida President Ben Sasse.

Greenblatt said, “University presidents who seemed so quick to jump on every perceived microaggression or every ill-considered statement on other issues, in the face of evil, have dithered, have equivocated. And I was talking to someone just a few minutes ago, think about this, Brian, it’s been nine days since we had the worst terrorist massacre since 9/11. Why are these university presidents failing to find their moral compass?”

He added that donors can use their resources to object to the actions of universities and stated that donors who have pulled donations are “blazing a new path. I expect other donors from other universities will follow.”

Greenblatt concluded that the University of Florida’s response was “exactly right.” And “if Ben Sasse can get it right, then the president of Harvard can get it right, then they can all get it right. And it’s not too much to ask to call out hate when it happens.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart October 16th 2023