Alabama resident reacts to 'totalitarian' council president disbanding meeting over migrant questions

One resident told the town councilmembers she 'can see why nothing gets done' after attending the meeting

Alabama city council cancels meeting after questions about Haitian migrants

Sylacauga City Council President Tiffany Nix adjourned the meeting after several attendees pressed the council on influx of Haitian migrants.

EXCLUSIVE – A city council member in Alabama kicked all residents out of a meeting in "totalitarian" fashion after residents asked questions about the recent arrival of Haitian migrants to the community, one of the speakers during public comment told Fox News Digital. 

Sylacauga City Council President Tiffany Nix adjourned a meeting after several attendees pressed the council on the illegal immigrant issue, including allegations that buses of Haitians were brought in supposedly to work, but many are walking aimlessly in the streets.

The last speaker, David Phillips, barely got to speak before Nix cut him off.

Darryl Phillips AlabamaF

Darryl Phillips said he was "shocked" by Tiffany Nix's "totalitarian" actions.  (Fox News Digital)

"It wasn't so much authoritarian as was totalitarian," he said in an interview with Fox News Digital, adding he also believed it to be "un-American."

"The whole point is to serve the community. So when the community comes in, you answer their questions [because] you work for them. That's the American way. And this is an all-American town. We pride ourselves on that," he added. 

President Nix defended the migrants being in the town, believing they should be welcomed as contributors to society. She also claimed the council had no idea how they arrived, despite residents claiming some came via bus. 

"We don't have any information to provide to you," she told the concerned citizens. "There's no reason for us to wonder why [they're here] or to investigate." 


Tiffany Nix

Tiffany Nix is the president of Sylacauga City Council in Alabama.  (Fox News Digital)

"I want to welcome anyone that wants to come," Nix said. "That’s how I feel about it. If people aren’t breaking the law, they’re not causing any problems, I don’t... I don’t see what the issue is."

A resident challenged that the migrants were not working, though that was the premise under which they arrived. 

"They're just sitting around outside. They're not working," she said. "They supposedly came here to work. 

"What's wrong with that?" Nix responded. "I don't see what the issue is." 


The resident retorted, "Being here tonight, and watching this city council meeting, I can see why nothing gets done here."

Then, Philips spoke out, saying, "the attitude of the council throughout this process is entirely unacceptable."

Alabama Tiffany Nix Haitian migrants

Alabama City Council gathers papers as they prepare to depart meeting. (Fox News Digital)

"You're treating them like lawful U.S. citizens, which they are not," Phillips continued.

Nix interrupted and called for the meeting to be adjourned. 

"I'm going to ask all of you to leave because this meeting is over," Nix told the residents. She then motioned to adjourn, which was supported by other board members. 

Philips told Fox News Digital he was "shocked" by the council's conduct. 

"I was a little shocked. I've seen some crazy things at the city council meetings in the past, but that that was sort of egregious even for for them," he said. "In this country, we were designed to be able to [have]… basic fundamental free speech… That's the whole point of public comment. That's what they build into the meeting. That's why there's a podium there with a microphone so the people can ask questions. And she just blew that all up." 

Residents could be heard groaning and complaining in the background. 

"Good to know they don't want to hear the truth," a resident said. 

"I don't know what you want us to do," President Nix responded. 

"To cut off public comment in the middle of a meeting is a violation of public law," another resident said. 

Fox News Digital contacted Nix for comment and did not immediately receive a response. 

Hannah Grossman is a Reporter at Fox News Digital.

Authored by Hannah Grossman via FoxNews September 10th 2024