America's Top New Year's Resolutions For 2024


Planning to save more money is top of mind for many Americans making resolutions for 2024.

americas top new years resolutions for 2024

As Statista's Anna Fleck highlights, this is a notable shift. Where in previous years the vows to exercise more, eat healthier and lose weight had come in top positions, now the financial goal has leapfrogged them to become the most commonly cited resolution this year.

This is according to data from a Statista’s Consumer Insights survey.

Infographic: America's Top New Year's Resolutions for 2024 | Statista

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Slightly further down the list came the goal of reducing stress from work and spending less time on social media (both 19 percent), while less popular resolutions included cutting down on alcohol (13 percent) and becoming a vegetarian or a vegan (3 percent).

In a similar vein to saving more money, one in four U.S. adults said they wanted to reduce their spendings on living expenses such as food and energy in the coming year.

Looking further into U.S. savings habits, data from an earlier Statista survey found that in 2022, the three areas most commonly cut back on in times of high inflation and rising energy costs were contracts and subscriptions (66 percent), purchasing clothes (42 percent) and visiting bars, cafes and restaurants (39 percent).

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge December 31st 2023