Biden orders block on asylum seekers at Mexico border

US President Joe Biden visited the US-Mexico border in February

President Joe Biden will temporarily shut the US-Mexico border to asylum seekers whenever illegal migrant crossings surge, the White House said Tuesday, in a dramatic bid to neutralize one of his political weak spots in the reelection battle against Donald Trump.

The 81-year-old Democrat is signing a long-awaited executive order that would ban migrants who enter illegally from getting asylum when numbers top 2,500 in a day, as well as making it easier to deport them back to Mexico.

“To Joe Biden, the safety of American families should always come first,” White House spokesman Andrew Bates said.

Officials said the tough new curbs should take effect straight away as the numbers of people crossing without proper documentation are already above the threshold. Asylum seekers would again be allowed to enter once the daily numbers dropped to 1,500.

“We do expect that the authority would be in effect immediately,” a Biden administration official told reporters.

Biden himself was due to speak at the White House at 2:00 pm (1800 GMT).

The move would be one of the toughest ever by a Democratic president and see Biden moving closer to Republican Trump’s own signature border policies, amid polls showing the issue heavily dragging on Biden’s reelection chances in November.

Trump blasted his rival’s move, saying Biden “surrendered” the border to illegal immigration.

“Millions of people have poured into our Country — and now, after nearly four years of his failed, weak leadership, pathetic leadership, crooked Joe Biden is pretending to finally do something about the border,” Trump, 77, said in a video posted to his Truth Social media platform.

He added the border restrictions were all for “show” ahead of their presidential debate later this month.

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, a Trump ally, quickly labeled the move as “window dressing.”

Trump’s campaign meanwhile repeated his frequent claims that illegal migrants are responsible for surges in violent crime — an allegation not supported by any major police or academic data.

Migrants entering the United States are normally allowed to claim asylum if they face harm or persecution on the grounds of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group.

But many spend years waiting for their claims to be processed, with critics saying that people often cross purely for economic reasons and then game the system to remain in the United States.

‘Kids in cages’

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said on Monday that Biden was dealing with an immigration system that had been “broken for decades.”

Jean-Pierre accused Republicans in Congress of “partisan politics” by failing to cooperate with Biden, and for blocking billions of dollars in funding for the border.

Under Biden, border crossings have surged to record levels, rising to a monthly peak of around 300,000 — 10,000 a day — in December.

Most are from Central America and Venezuela as they flee poverty, violence and disasters exacerbated by climate change, but growing numbers are also coming from other parts of the world to Latin America before making the treacherous trip north to the United States.

The numbers have fallen considerably in recent months, to some 179,000 in April, but polls show it is still one of Biden’s biggest electoral liabilities.

Biden’s plan will anger leftist Democrats and will almost certainly be challenged in court by civil rights groups.

A second senior White House official moved to defuse criticisms that Biden is effectively copying Trump, saying that while in office the Republican “demonized immigrants, instituted mass raids, separated families at the border and put kids in cages. Their policies went against our values as a nation.”

Trump spent his time in office trying to build a wall on the Mexican border and has drastically ramped up his anti-immigration rhetoric as he seeks a White House comeback.

Authored by Afp via Breitbart June 4th 2024