Biden trips in Philadelphia while climbing steps to podium on stage: video

Biden has had several slips and falls since taking office

Biden stumbles on way to podium in Philadelphia

Biden tripped on his way up the stairs to a stage.

President Biden tripped on several steps Friday while making his way to a podium during a visit to Philadelphia, where he was in town to tout his economic agenda. 

The president was waving at supporters at the Tioga Marine Terminal, when he walked to a stage to climb the stairs and suddenly tripped. He appeared to stumble twice before making it to the podium. 

During his speech, he announced the building of a hydrogen hub as part of his clean energy initiative.


biden trips in philadelphia while climbing steps to podium on stage video

President Biden trips Friday on stairs at a Philadelphia rally while walking to a podium.  (Edward Lawrence/FOX Business)

Biden has had several slips, stumbles and falls while entering and exiting various facilities, including Air Force One, since taking office, leading to questions about his mental and physical capabilities. In September, he nearly stumbled while exiting the presidential airplane. 

Hours earlier, it was exposed that his campaign team was making efforts to prevent Biden from taking a spill in public during the election season.

Earlier this year, the White House physician diagnosed Biden with "significant spinal arthritis." Since then, he has had multiple tripping incidents that have many people questioning his age and whether he is fit to serve as president.

To prevent another embarrassing fall, Axios reported, Biden's team is making a conscious effort to have him wear tennis shoes and limit stair climbs.

Fox News Digital's Greg Wehner contributed to this report.

Louis Casiano is a reporter for Fox News Digital. Story tips can be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Authored by Louis Casiano via FoxNews October 13th 2023