
Bunker Busters, Zionists and a Tsar Bomba Solution

Israel has given in to the need to strike out and kill some more people. In the wake of the Barack Obama-style (563 strikes) assassination of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, the IDF has widened its killing spree far beyond Beirut’s Dahiyeh suburb. Bibi Netanyahu’s forces have now entered Southern Lebanon, and Iran has finally thrown down the gauntlet via a flurry of ballistic missiles. 

Attacks in Syria and as far afield as Yemen have already taken place, and a much wider conflict is expected. We must begin to factor key points few are discussing if the end of civilization as we know it is to be averted.

Bibi Netanyahu
Bibi Shows Cartoon of Mass Destruction to UN - DonkeyHotey

The “Go Ahead”

Watching as the world’s scattered wildfires of chaos widen, it’s difficult for many people to come to grips with the fact that God’s “chosen” people seem to have been selected for their thirst for blood. As an American who helped defend U.S. interests in the region back in the 1980s, I now know why my conscience bothered me when shipmates would talk about levelling areas in Lebanon and Syria. Our commanders, the news media, nor any politician ever pointed out to us that fellow human beings were beneath our bombs and shells. Palestinians, the people of the Middle East as a whole, have been portrayed by our leaders as sub-human, barbarians, and worse in a propaganda effort to dehumanize them. Killing sub-humans, after all, is a lot easier than murdering male, female, and infant homo sapiens.

Now the elites make their final play to subjugate not only Israel’s neighbours and foes but the rest of us as well. Gaza was the test, you see? If 50,000 trapped men, women, and children in an Israeli-created shooting gallery could be snuffed without a whimper from Americans, the Europeans, the Brits, or those peace-loving Canadians, the green light for wholesale slaughter was flipped on. If Israel is allowed to murder kids from Yemen to Tehran and back, with Washington’s go-ahead, then launching longer-range attacks from Ukraine into Russia won’t be much of a stretch. And China is in the crosshairs too. 

Sure, the Russians will probably light up some NATO capital, or Kyiv at least. But, we have been prepared perfectly, don't you think? The average American still believes the people of Israel are chosen by the almighty! Is it just me, or do the rest of you reading this report understand that the Zionists are using Judaism as a shield to allow them impunity? My friends, this has nothing to do with religion. And no, the God we are taught to worship in Sunday school is not smiling on those who blast little kids to pieces so they can build a bigger, shinier, and richer Israel. This is all about conquest.

Is Zionism Fascism?

Short answer: absolutely! (see Revisionist Zionism) Those who own the media and proclaim their Judaism from the rooftops brag about the killing weapons and how wonderful our side is at snuffing people out. Read this Daily Mail advertisement for U.S.-made Bunker Busters (Boeing). Billionaire Jonathan Harmsworth, 4th Viscount Rothermere, owns this influential UK newspaper. (Study the Boston Accounting Group glee club) You will find this interesting because his great-grandfather, Harold Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Rothermere, openly supported fascism and heaped praise on Nazi Germany as a member of the British Union of Fascists. He is also credited with creating tabloid journalism, which is what Western media is today.

Returning to the bloodlust that the IDF is being cheered on for, the sub-headline in POLITICO EU reads, “With his attack on Hezbollah, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is seeking to reshape the Middle East.” However convenient Bibi may be as a fire starter/destroyer of worlds, his unbridled hatred of Iran is more about America and the Europeans losing ground to the BRICS and the emerging multipolar world. Funny, no one is addressing this point since the wave of sentiment is to finally steamroll Israel into a parking lot (which it surely will be eventually).

The Persians Want Our Dollars

Iran. Hmm. Don’t believe for an instant the headline from the Financial Times that reads, “Middle East’s power scales tip as Israel senses Iran’s weakness.” Israel, the country, is only a playpiece to be sacrificed in the larger game of the ruling elites in the West. The Zionists and the grandchildren of fascists and Russophobes are striking out because of their own weakened position. Iran and Ukraine are key pressure points or battlegrounds if the current order can survive.

This is the reason for all the “tests” as I call them. These international and domestic experiments govern the next moves on the grand chessboard. From dragging down statues of American heroes to slaughtering unarmed and surrounded Palestinians, what we allow, we condone. Unfortunately for the bloodletters, the green glue that holds the liberal order together, tangible value, is gone.

bunker busters zionists and a tsar bomba solution
The Tsar Bomba weapon was 3,000 times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb. Such a weapon would lay waste 1/3 of a country the size of Israel. 

The Chosen

Some may ask, “How does Israel win in a worldwide conflict?” Well, that’s an easy one. If the current world order is lost, Israel would be done for anyhow. However, if the trillions in debt and the debauchery in Washington, London, Brussels, Paris, and Berlin are concealed by the biggest conflagration since the fall of Rome…. Well, you get the point. We’re broke. The United States and all its allies are in debt beyond any chance of repaying. Japan’s Debt/GDP rate was 261% as of 2022. The United States, the UK, France, Italy, and Canada all had more government debt than gross domestic product. I won’t even talk about Greece, Portugal, and Spain. Germany was the only country with a debt burden less than its GDP (63.4% in 2024). Any guesses as to which significant power has the lowest debt to GDP? (Russia 19.6%).

For further reading, I suggest a short study of the Irgun Tsvai Leumi (Hebrew for National Military Organization) as one of the original terrorist groups of the Middle East. Also, the fact that PM Netanyahu’s father was the secretary of Ze’ev Jabotinsky, the founder of Revisionist Zionism, seems significant since Netanyahu is the linchpin of the Revisionist idea of establishing a Jewish homeland over all of the Land of Israel. So, suppose this can be accomplished by a genocide across the Middle East or in the aftermath of World War 3. In that case, either will suit the only actual terrorist state on the planet—the arsonists, who have sat virtually untouched in the midsts of fires all around. The chosen people over in Palestine, our God-fearing preachers in America, convinced us that we were exceptional. For me, the solution to all the problems in the Middle East cannot be with Boeing company Bunker Buster bombs dropped here or there. The solution may just be a Tsar Bomba detonated over Jerusalem. Oh, no. Only an anti-Semite would utter such a joke.

New Eastern Outlook published another version of this report


via October 8th 2024