Climate change extremists, "Your Gas Guzzler Kills!"


In the 1930’s it was wearing spectacles. Remember Pol Pot?

Now, it is any of the following: having a barbeque with friends on a Sunday afternoon, (meat eating being a planet murdering activity), taking Johny to football or Sally to ballet in a… deep breath, car (driving being a planet extinguishing activity).

‘Maybe try walking’: Climate extremist group Tyre Extinguishers targets SUVs in Toorak

Climate change extremists have deflated “hundreds” of tyres on SUVs in the wealthy Melbourne suburb overnight, with notes left on windscreens informing owners that their “gas guzzler kills” and suggesting they try taking public transport instead.

I don’t know, but when I think about these people sometimes I just want to point them to the sky as I’m quite sure God sends messages.

climate change extremists your gas guzzler kills

The abject failure to think is astonishing. The answer, they tell us (aside from bug eating), is electrification.

So to these dimwits, let’s just consider this. The reality is that humans mined 700 million tons of copper over the last 5,000 years. The same 700 million tons will need to be mined over the next 22 years to meet energy transition targets using wind, solar, and electric vehicles.

climate change extremists your gas guzzler kills

The world doesn’t have enough mines operating or planned to meet these make believe bullshit climate goals using wind, solar, and EVs.

Opening a new mine takes 16 years on average, according to the International Energy Agency. With all the freshly minted vegans coming out of woke Western universities, screeching about “climate change” and telling us to stop barbecuing, now it’s likely only going to get longer.

climate change extremists your gas guzzler kills

The other thing not mentioned is that to operate a copper mine (or any mine for that matter), really you’re using massive amounts of diesel to dig up the ground, move earth, and then you’re putting it on ships burning bunker fuel, shipping it to Japan (or wherever), turning it into batteries, and then putting it back on ships again… burning more bunker fuel to get it to an assembly plant in Texas, where you sell it to some blue-haired twat with a Ukrainian flag in their profile who goes by made up pronouns (which should, quite simply, be confused/degenerate). And then the media tells these mindless peons that this process is renewable. And you know what? They believe it. Why? Because they are complete morons.

So this begs the question. Do those pushing this narrative actually believe this? Some do, I suppose purely because they’ve professional conformists, but those at the top, the scum populating the likes of the UN, WEF, and various affiliated governmental and non-governmental organisations such as the World Bank or IMF don’t. This is why they have pivoted to talking about “degrowth.”

climate change extremists your gas guzzler kills

If you are wondering what this is, just picture giving up all the modern conveniences of life and living like a serf in the Middle Ages, and you’re on track for the dystopian future they have in store for us all.

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Chris MacIntosh
Capitalist Exploits | Glenorchy Capital Macro fund | Subscribe to Insider | Rebel Capitalist Pro

Authored by Capitalist Exploits via ZeroHedge September 27th 2023